@bmtran (Bryant Tran)

1 – 50 of 2,535

@bmtran (Bryant Tran)submitted aCommenttoProblem 114. Check to see if a Sudoku Puzzle is Solved

In addition to each row and column needing to have 1 through 9, each 3x3 sub-region must have 1 through 9 as well.

on 26 Dec 2020

@bmtran (Bryant Tran)receivedProject Euler I Masterbadge

on 11 Sep 2018

@bmtran (Bryant Tran)received科迪5:Easy Masterbadge

on 23 Oct 2017

@bmtran (Bryant Tran)submitted aCommenttoProblem 44378. Five-dimensional maze

Thank you for answering, Alfonso.

on 23 Oct 2017

@bmtran (Bryant Tran)submitted aCommenttoProblem 44337. Sums of Distinct Powers

Thanks, that makes sense. I was under the impression that it could only be the sum of 2 distinct powers based on the example.

on 18 Oct 2017

@bmtran (Bryant Tran)submitted aCommenttoSolution 1292106

Double-quoted strings are string literals in MATLAB R2017a+. To convert a string to char array, use the "char" function.

on 18 Oct 2017

@bmtran (Bryant Tran)submitted aCommenttoProblem 44381. Cache me Outside

Whoops, accidentally had the answer in the test suite. Fixed now.

on 17 Oct 2017

@bmtran (Bryant Tran)submitted aCommenttoProblem 44337. Sums of Distinct Powers

I'm having some trouble understanding the problem. Could you provide an example for test 7? base=7;nstart=1;nend=10;y_correct=1265; My understanding of the problem leads me to believe the answer should be 1600: 1 + 7 + 8 + 49 + 50 + 56 + 343 + 344 + 350 + 392

on 17 Oct 2017

@bmtran (Bryant Tran)submitted aCommentto解决方案1290282

Shouldn't the correct answer for test 2 be 0.08? There are be 16 occurrences of the digit 6 in the first 200 digits. 16/200 = 0.08.

on 16 Oct 2017

1 – 50 of 2,535