Can the 4 free channels each simultaneously upload to Thingspeak once every 15sec

10 views (last 30 days)
Barnard Richards
Barnard Richards on 19 Jun 2021
Answered: Vinod on 19 Jun 2021
Can the 4 free channels each simultaneously upload to Thingspeak once every 15sec?
The free licence allows a 15sec upload interval. (apart from the 3,000,000 annual message limit)
Is that for each channel independantly?
eg can I have 4 separate devices each uploading to a separate Thingspeak channel every 15sec (or with a paid licence every second)?

Accepted Answer

Vinod on 19 Jun 2021
Yes. With a free account you may have up to 4 channels updated at up to once every 15s. Note that each update is considered as one message. In total you get 3 million messages per free account per year with a free license.

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