Bars disappear with log scale

26 views (last 30 days)
wael Ghareeb
wael Ghareeb on 1 Jun 2021
Commented: wael Ghareebon 1 Jun 2021
Executing the following four commands
Y = count(1:10,:);
gives me the plot without the bars? how could I restore the body of each bar?
Thanks for any help
1 Comment
Adam Danz
Adam Danz on 1 Jun 2021
@wael Ghareeb Welcome to the forum. I've edited your question to format your code. In the future please use the code/text toggle in rich text editor to format your code.

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Accepted Answer

Adam Danz
Adam Danz on 1 Jun 2021
Reproducing the problem
Well, that's interesting. The plot on the left shows the bar plot with a linear y-axis and the plot on the right is the same bar plot but with a log y-axis.
loadcount.dat% built-in
Y = count(1:10,:);
xlabel('x axis')
ylabel('y axis')
zlabel('z axis')
title('Linear y scale')
xlabel('x axis')
ylabel('y axis')
zlabel('z axis')
title('Log y scale')
Cause of the problem
The 3D bar plots are constructed by surfaces stored in the output to bar3h . The horizontal walls extend from y=0 to the height of the each bar. When converting the y-axis to a log scale, log(0) returns -inf which cannot be plotted so the sections of the surfaces that include vertices at y=0 vanish. This does not affect the tops of each bar unless the tops are at y=0.
After constructing the bar plot, change values equal to or less than y=0. In the example below, they are changed to 1; log(1)=0 .
loadcount.dat% built-in
Y = count(1:10,:);
xlabel('x axis')
ylabel('y axis')
zlabel('z axis')
title('Linear y scale')
bh = bar3h(Y,'grouped');
fori = 1:numel(bh)
zeroIdx = bh(i).YData == 0;
bh(i).YData(zeroIdx) = 1;
xlabel('x axis')
ylabel('y axis')
zlabel('z axis')
title(['Log y scale with',newline,'y=0 adjustment'])
1 Comment
wael Ghareeb
wael Ghareeb on 1 Jun 2021
Thank you for your help and explanation.

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More Answers (1)

Joseph Cheng
Joseph Cheng on 1 Jun 2021
While not ideal this should get you by since bar tries to plot the bar all the way to 0 which log scales don't show
hbar = bar3h(y,'grouped')
hbar =
1×10Surfacearray: Surface Surface Surface Surface Surface Surface Surface Surface Surface Surface
minY2plt = 0.001;
forind = 1:10
百巴(印第安纳州).YData(百巴(印第安纳州).YData = = 0) = minY2plt;
ylim([minY2plt max(y(:))])
1 Comment
wael Ghareeb
wael Ghareeb on 1 Jun 2021
Thank you for you help. It works.

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