Using Variables

1 view (last 30 days)
Hi, I have a set of code that has about 64 different variables. I'm now trying to store them into a matrix. I named the variables so they would be easily used in a for loop when putting them into a matrix but now i dont think i'll be able to use them. Here is my code:
for2 = 1:8
forjj = 1:8
I(ii, jj) = Iiijj
Where an example of an I variable looks like I31. Is it possible to reference a variable using variables??

Accepted Answer

Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 5 Oct 2011
No. Whatever you did to assign values to I1111, I1211, I1311, etc. should have been used to create your I(,) matrix directly and immediately without creating 64 useless and uniquely-named, temporary, intermediate variables.
for2 = 1:8
forjj = 1:8
I(ii, jj) = (whatever you did before);
1 Comment
DanielFromIllinois on 5 Oct 2011
Thanks. Already started rewriting. DOOH!

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