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Last seen: 1 giorno ago|Active since 2012


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Scorer's Function
Evaluate the Scorer's function for a given input. The expected output is Gi(x). Note - The precision will vary for test cases...

3 giorni ago


Determine whether one vector is a subset of another
While bumbling through a pair of problems in the Number Theory group, I wrote code to determine whether a vector is a subset of ...

4 giorni ago


B-Zuckerman Numbers
Similar to my last problem (B_Harshad Numbers), B-Zuckerman Numbers are numbers that are divisable by the product of their digit...

9 giorni ago


B-Harshad Numbers
Determine (and provide as output in decimal form) all the harshad numbers base B (B-Harshad) from a given array of decimal numbe...

9 giorni ago


Distance walked 1D
Suppose you go from position 7 to 10 to 6 to 4. Then you have walked 9 units of distance, since 7 to 10 is 3 units, 10 to 6 is 4...

10 giorni ago


Consecutive Pairs of Smooth Numbers from Set of Prime Numbers
Given an input set of prime numbers (p), generate all pairs of consecutive smooth numbers (x) (see Stormer's Theorem). For exam...

11 giorni ago


Trap a knight
Consider a knight on an infinite chessboard labeled with numbers spiraling outward. A knight starting on the square labeled 1 ca...

15 giorni ago


Flip the parity of digits in a decimal expansion
The number 349 has the decimal expansion . If we change the even digits from positive to negative, then the number becomes 269 (...

16 giorni ago


Count the peaceful queens
In a 5x5 chessboard with a queen of one color (white, say) on the perimeter, one can place 12 black queens on the board such tha...

20 giorni ago


Hyperperfect Numbers
A k-hyperperfect number is a natural number n for which the equality n = 1 + k(σ(n) − n − 1) holds, where σ(n) is the divisor ...

22 giorni ago


Determine whether a number is practical
A number is practical if all smaller numbers can be written as a sum of the proper divisors of . The number 24 is practical bec...

25 giorni ago


List odd twin composites
Twin primes, or prime numbers that differ by 2 (e.g., 17 and 19, 59 and 61, or 191 and 193), are the subject of several Cody pro...

circa un mese ago


Find the length of stream affected by a spill
When a contaminant is spilled into a stream, one might want to know how much of the stream is affected—e.g., the length over whi...

circa un mese ago


Find the particular dividend
It is known that once you write the sequence 10101...101 long enough, the number will be finally divisible by any odd number if ...

circa un mese ago


Count the ways to make Scorigami
Regarding the sport known as American football, some people are such rabid fans that they can tell you the statistics of every p...

circa un mese ago


Solve an ODE: concentrations predicted by the cells-in-series model
One approach for predicting mixing and transport of contaminants in a river is the cells-in-series model. The model divides a ri...

circa un mese ago


Local Extrema
Given a 2D (m,n>1) matrix, replace an element if it is not a local extrema (minima/maxima), with 0 (zero). The comparison crite...

circa un mese ago


Spell musical triads
Chords form the basis of harmony in music. The most basic chords are triads, or groups of three notes. They are specified by thr...

circa 2 mesi ago


Leyland Primes
A Leyland Number is defined as a number of the form - x^y + y^x, or, x^y - y^x (x,y)>1 Given an array of numbers(>1), check...

circa 2 mesi ago


Compute the period of a pendulum started from a finite initial angle
科迪Problem 49830 asks for the period of a pendulum swinging through a small angle. Here the pendulum started at rest from an ...

circa 2 mesi ago


Weird Diagonal Matrix!!
Given an integer n, create a matrix whose diagonal elements will be square matrices of size 1 to n. For example: n=2 z = ...

circa 2 mesi ago


Solve an ODE: precocious pair’s porcine pursuit
In our previous encounters with Matilda and Labrun, the scintillating siblings collected candy wrappers, amused others with card...

circa 2 mesi ago


Define an arithmetic sequence
Given three numbers n, a, and d, define an arithmetic sequence of n terms with a being the initial term of the sequence and d be...

circa 2 mesi ago


Generate the Figure-Figure sequence
After discussing Scott Kim’s FIGURE-FIGURE Figure (below) in Gödel, Escher, Bach, Douglas Hofstadter introduced an integer seque...

2 mesi ago


Determine whether the input is an anagram number
In Cody Problem 44293, Mehmet OZC asks us to spell numbers as words. For example, 67 would be “sixty-seven” and 76 would be “sev...

2 mesi ago


That's not my hat!
There exists a highly secretive hat consortium. Members possess identical hats. The members are invited to a meeting. All of the...

2 mesi ago


List the Euclid numbers
Euclid proved that the number of primes is infinite with the following argument. Suppose the primes form a finite set , , . Comp...

2 mesi ago


Evaluate the Kelvin functions
The Kelvin functions ber, bei, ker, and kei are related to Bessel functions of order . When the order is not specified, the defa...

2 mesi ago


prime consecutive sums
创建一个数字序列1到n,这样sums of every two consecutive numbers are all primes. E.g. if n = 5, you may ...

3 mesi ago


Fill a rectangle with 1x1 and 2x2 tiles
A 3x2 rectangle can be filled with 1x1 and 2x2 tiles in three ways: The colors merely distinguish the sizes of the tiles. A 3...

3 mesi ago

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