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yurenchusubmitted a评论to解决方案1307481

Thanks for the link, David Verrelli. I seem to remember that the "Delete" button did work in the not-too-distant-past (a few months ago), but maybe I'm misremembering things. However, to be honest, I don't mind this bug as much because I think it's a good thing that a comment can't be deleted when it has already received replies; otherwise a thread of comments would become unreadable. It's only when an erroneous comment of mine hasn't received any replies yet and the "Delete" button turns out to be non-functional that I experience a slight "Aaargghh!" moment, because the presence of the "Delete" button created different expectations. :-) But I don't really mind leaving my erroneous comment up and correcting myself in a new comment, as I did above.

on 19 Nov 2017

yurenchusubmitted a评论to问题44364.这是有效的TIC TAC脚趾状态吗?

@Jean-Marie Sainthillier:如果我们将网格的九个单元格编号为[1,4,7;2,5,8;3,6,9],然后一系列将导致x = [1,-1,-1;0,1,-1;1,0,1]没有X的“无意义”动作(开始派对)是:X:5,O:7,X:3,O:8,X:9,O:9,O:4,X:1;在这种情况下,X并没有错过胜利,也没有在胜利后继续比赛。

on 19 Nov 2017

yurenchusubmitted a评论to问题44403.戈德巴赫的边缘猜想 - 将整数写为三个素数的总和

Hi David Verelli. Thanks a lot for your comments regarding my first created problem, I really appreciate it. Sorry for not replying any sooner, but my computer broke down a few days ago. Thanks for discovering the flaws and errors in the test suite. A few of the tests were indeed missing valid solution triplets, I've fixed them now. I've also fixed the spelling error in test #9 and a problem with the random integer selection. Your solution should pass now (I don't know how long rescoring will take)! Again, thanks a lot for your feedback, much appreciated!


yurenchusubmitted a评论toSolution 1138264

Sorry, there's a small error in my previous comment: I wrote "until the sixth (= last) time", but that should be "until the seventh (= last) time".

on 13 Nov 2017

yurenchusubmitted a评论toSolution 1138264

@David Verelli: I've just looked into it and finally figured out why it works. According to the main description on the documentation pages, the function 'if Z' (and also 'while Z') proceeds into the conditional block when expression Z is "nonempty and contains only nonzero elements (logical or real numeric)". In other words, it doesn't consider only the first element, it actually considers all elements of Z; and when Z contains a zero, the if-block is exited/ignored. The reason why it works here in the case of test #6, is that the input matrix x = magic(10) is distributed "evenly enough" across the columns, so that every column contains at least one element greater than 63, and hence the row vector max(x) doesn't contain a 0 until the sixth (= last) time that the elements of x are reduced by the "fix(x/2)" step. So it works in this specific case, but to make this solution work generally for every case where x is a matrix, the line must be changed into "if max(x(:)),".

on 13 Nov 2017

yurenchusubmitted a评论to解决方案1328026

谢谢,彭刘!我本来希望[]作为单元变量的索引会导致错误,但显然MATLAB接受它并产生零项的逗号分隔列表(我现在意识到这显然与空矩阵有所不同,否则会分配“ ans = [];”)。无论如何,再次感谢您的评论,这确实帮助我更好地理解了Matlab!

on 12 Nov 2017


on 12 Nov 2017


on 12 Nov 2017

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