




B= tail(A)返回桌子或时间表的最后八行A.


B= tail(A,k)returns the lastkA.


collapse all

Create a table that contains 100 rows and five variables.

load患者T = table(LastName,Gender,Age,Height,Weight); size(T)
ans =1×2100 5

Preview the last eight rows.

T2 = tail(T)
T2 =8×5 tableLastName Gender Age Height Weight _____________ __________ ___ ______ ______ {'Foster' } {'Female'} 30 70 124 {'Gonzales' } {'Male' } 48 71 174 {'Bryant' } {'Female'} 48 66 134 {'Alexander'} {'Male'} 25 69 171 {'Russell'} {'Male'} 44 69 188 {'Griffin'} {'Male'} 49 70 186 {'Diaz'}172 {'hayes'} {'男性'} 48 66 177


AirlinesMall.CSVdata set. Select a subset of the variables to work with. Usetailto extract the last few rows of data.

varnames = {“年”,'Month','arrdelay','DepDelay',“唯一载体”}; ds = tabularTextDatastore('airlinesmall.csv','TreatAsMissing','NA',...'SelectedVariableNames',varnames);T =高(DS)
T = Mx5 tall table Year Month ArrDelay DepDelay UniqueCarrier ____ _____ ________ ________ _____________ 1987 10 8 12 {'PS'} 1987 10 8 1 {'PS'} 1987 10 21 20 {'PS'} 1987 10 13 12 {'PS'} 1987 10 4 -1 {'PS'} 1987 10 59 63 {'PS'} 1987 10 3 -2 {'PS'} 1987 10 11 -1 {'PS'} : : : : : : : : : :
tt = tail(T)
tt = Mx5 tall table Year Month ArrDelay DepDelay UniqueCarrier ____ _____ ________ ________ _____________ ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? : : : : : : : : : :

Collect the results into memory to view the data.

last_rows = gather(tt)
使用本地MATLAB会话评估高高的表达: - 通过1:Of 1:在1.1秒完成的1.4秒完成
last_rows=8×5 tableYear Month ArrDelay DepDelay UniqueCarrier ____ _____ ________ ________ _____________ 2008 12 14 1 {'DL'} 2008 12 -8 -1 {'DL'} 2008 12 1 9 {'DL'} 2008 12 -8 -4 {'DL'} 2008 12 15 -2 {'DL'} 2008 12 -15 -1 {'DL'} 2008 12 -12 1 {'DL'} 2008 12 -1 11 {'DL'}


AirlinesMall.CSVdata set. Select a subset of the variables to work with, and treat'NA'values as missing data so thatdatast或者e取代它们NaNvalues. Usetailto view the last 20 rows of data.

varnames = {“年”,'Month','arrdelay','DepDelay',“唯一载体”}; ds = tabularTextDatastore('airlinesmall.csv','TreatAsMissing','NA',...'SelectedVariableNames',varnames);T =高(DS)
T = Mx5 tall table Year Month ArrDelay DepDelay UniqueCarrier ____ _____ ________ ________ _____________ 1987 10 8 12 {'PS'} 1987 10 8 1 {'PS'} 1987 10 21 20 {'PS'} 1987 10 13 12 {'PS'} 1987 10 4 -1 {'PS'} 1987 10 59 63 {'PS'} 1987 10 3 -2 {'PS'} 1987 10 11 -1 {'PS'} : : : : : : : : : :
tt =尾(T, 20)
tt = Mx5 tall table Year Month ArrDelay DepDelay UniqueCarrier ____ _____ ________ ________ _____________ ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? : : : : : : : : : :

Collect the results into memory to view the data.

b20 = gather(tt)
Evaluating tall expression using the Local MATLAB Session: - Pass 1 of 1: Completed in 0.43 sec Evaluation completed in 0.56 sec
b20=20×5桌Year Month ArrDelay DepDelay UniqueCarrier ____ _____ ________ ________ _____________ 2008 12 0 -4 {'CO'} 2008 12 -16 13 {'CO'} 2008 12 17 -3 {'CO'} 2008 12 3 -5 {'CO'} 2008 12 2 6 {'DL'} 2008 12 6 -2 {'DL'} 2008 12 37 35 {'DL'} 2008 12 -1 -6 {'DL'} 2008 12 39 12 {'DL'} 2008 12 -3 -6 {'DL'} 2008 12 -6 -1 {'DL'} 2008 12 -2 1 {'DL'} 2008 12 14 1 {'DL'} 2008 12 -8 -1 {'DL'} 2008 12 1 9 {'DL'} 2008 12 -8 -4 {'DL'} ⋮

Input Arguments

collapse all


Data Types:table|timetable

Number of rows to extract, specified as a positive scalar integer. IfA少于krows, thentailreturns all ofA.

Output Arguments

collapse all

请求的行,作为表或时间表返回。数据类型Bis the same asA.

Extended Capabilities

Version History

Introduced in R2016b