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Determine whether input is table



TF = istable(T)returns logical1(true) ifTis a table, and logical0(false) otherwise.


collapse all

Create a workspace variable,T.

T = table(categorical({'M';'F';'M'}),[45 45;41 32;40 34],...{'NY';'CA';'MA'},[true;false;false])
T=3×4 tableVar1 Var2 Var3 Var4 ____ ________ ______ _____ M 45 45 {'NY'} true F 41 32 {'CA'} false M 40 34 {'MA'} false

Verify that the workspace variable,T, is a table.

ans =logical1

Tis a table.

Create a table,T.

T = table(categorical({'M';'F';'M'}),[45 45;41 32;40 34],...{'NY';'CA';'MA'},[true;false;false])
T=3×4 tableVar1 Var2 Var3 Var4 ____ ________ ______ _____ M 45 45 {'NY'} true F 41 32 {'CA'} false M 40 34 {'MA'} false

Determine if the subset of tableTthat contains only the second and fourth variables is a table.

istable(T{:,[2 4]})
ans =logical0

Conversely, accessing data with curly braces,T{:,[2 4]}, returns a matrix and not a table.

Input Arguments

collapse all

Input variable, specified as a workspace variable.Tcan be any data type.

Extended Capabilities

Introduced in R2013b