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Current hold state


tf = ishold
tf = ishold(ax)


tf = isholdreturns the hold state of the current axes. The return state is1ifholdison, and0if it isoff. Whenholdison, the current plot and most axes properties are held so that subsequent graphing commands add to the existing graph. If there is no figure,isholdreturns0and MATLAB®creates a new figure.

tf = ishold(ax)returns the hold state of the specified axes object, which can be anAxes,PolarAxes, orGeographicAxesobject. You can also specifyaxas an array of multiple axes objects that belong to the same class (use theclassfunction to determine the class).

一个国家的hold onimplies that both figure and axesNextPlotproperties are set to'add'.

Version History

Introduced before R2006a