
或ganize large projects by managing and sharing files and settings, finding required files, and interacting with source control

Projects can help you organize your work and collaborate. Use projects to find files required to run your code, manage and share files and settings, and interact with source control. For more information about projects, seeCreate Projects.


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currentProject Get current project
openProject Load an existing project
isLoaded Determine if project is loaded
reload Reload project
close Close project
export Export project to archive
matlab.project.createProject Create blank project
matlab.project.deleteProject Stop folder management and delete project definition files
matlab.project.loadProject 加载项目
matlab.project.rootProject Get root project
addFile Add file or folder to project
addFolderIncludingChildFiles Add folder and child files to project
removeFile Remove file from project
addPath Add folder to project path
removePath Remove folder from project path
addReference Add referenced project to project
removeReference Remove project reference
addStartupFile Add startup file to project
addShutdownFile Add shutdown file to project
removeStartupFile Remove startup file from project startup list
removeShutdownFile Remove shutdown file from project shutdown list
addShortcut Add shortcut to project
removeShortcut Remove shortcut from project
addLabel Attach label to project file
createLabel Create project label
removeLabel Remove label from project
findLabel Get project file label
createCategory Create category of project labels
findCategory Find project category of labels
removeCategory Remove project category of labels
findFile Find project file by name
listModifiedFiles List modified files in project
listRequiredFiles 得到项目文件的依赖关系
refreshSourceControl Update source control status of project files
runChecks Run all project checks
updateDependencies Update project dependencies


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matlab.project.Project Project object


Create Projects

Create projects in MATLAB®to organize and share your work with others.

Manage Project Files

Add, move, rename, and open project files and folders.

Componentize Large Projects

或ganize large projects using referenced projects.

Share Projects

Package and share projects as zip files, by email, as a toolbox, or by making it publicly available on a connected source control tool.

Upgrade Projects

Upgrade all the files in your project using the Upgrade Project tool.

Analyze Project Dependencies

Find required files for a whole project or for specified files, resolve problems, and control options for external toolboxes and incremental analysis.

Use Source Control with Projects

Update, commit, merge changes, and view revision history directly from the project environment.

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