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Check Dynamic Upper Bound

Check that one signal is always greater than another signal

  • Library:
  • Simulink / Model Verification

    HDL Coder / Model Verification

  • Check Dynamic Upper Bound block


TheCheck Dynamic Upper Boundblock checks if the a reference signal,max, is greater than the amplitude of an input signal,u, at each time step and executes an assertion after comparison. Ifmaxis greater thanu, the assertion istrue (1)and the block does nothing. If not, the block halts the simulation and returns an error message by default.

The input signals can be scalars, vectors, or matrices. Both input signals must be the same data type. The block compares the value ofutomax根据不同的信号。

  • When comparing scalars to vectors or matrices, the block compares the scalar signal to each element of the non-scalar signal.

  • When comparing a vector or matrix signal to another vector or matrix signal, the block checks the signals element-by-element.

  • For models with an input signal and bound that are both vectors or matrices, the input signal and bound must have the same dimensions.



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Signal specifying the lower bound of the range that the block checks the input signaluamplitude. Signal data type and dimension must be the same asu.

Data Types:一半|single|double|int8|int16|int32|int64|uint8|uint16|uint32|uint64|Boolean|fixed point|enumerated

Input signal checked against the lower bound specified bymin.

Data Types:一半|single|double|int8|int16|int32|int64|uint8|uint16|uint32|uint64|Boolean|fixed point|enumerated


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Output signal that istrue (1)if the assertion succeeds andfalse (0)if the assertion fails. If, in the Configuration Parameters window, in theMath and Data Typessection, underAdvanced parameters, you selectImplement logic signals as Boolean data, then the output data type isBoolean. Otherwise, the data type of the signal isdouble.


To enable this output port, select theOutput assertion signalparameter check box.

Data Types:double|Boolean


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Clearing this parameter disables the block and causes the model to behave as if the block does not exist. To enable or disable all verification blocks, regardless of the setting of this option, go to the Configuration Parameters window, clickDiagnostics>Data Validity, expand theAdvanced parameterssection, and setModel Verification block enablingtoEnable allorDisable all.

Programmatic Use

Type:character vector

Specify a MATLAB®expression to evaluate when the assertion fails. Because the expression is evaluated in the MATLAB workspace, define all variables used in the expression in that workspace.


To enable this parameter, select theEnable assertionparameter.

Programmatic Use

Type:character vector
Values:MATLAB expression

Select this parameter to stop the simulation when the check fails. Clear this parameter to display a warning and continue the simulation.

Programmatic Use

Type:character vector

Select this parameter to enable the output port.

Programmatic Use

Type:character vector

Specify the style of the block icon. Thegraphicoption displays a graphical representation of the assertion condition on the icon. Thetextoption displays a mathematical expression that represents the assertion condition.

Programmatic Use

Type:character vector

Block Characteristics

Data Types

Boolean|double|enumerated|fixed point|一半|integer|single

Direct Feedthrough


Multidimensional Signals


Variable-Size Signals


Zero-Crossing Detection


Extended Capabilities

PLC Code Generation
Generate Structured Text code using Simulink® PLC Coder™.

Fixed-Point Conversion
Design and simulate fixed-point systems using Fixed-Point Designer™.

Introduced before R2006a