

Scramble and descramble binary input sequence


y = wlanScramble(bits,scramInit)



y= wlanScramble(bits,scramInit)scrambles or descrambles the binary inputbitsfor the specified initial scramble state, using a 127-length frame-synchronous scrambler. The frame-synchronous scrambler uses the generator polynomial defined in IEEE®802.11™-2012, Section and IEEE 802.11ad™-2012, Section 21.3.9. The same scrambler is used to scramble bits at the transmitter and descramble bits at the receiver.


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Create the scrambler initialization and the input sequence of random bits.

scramInit = 93; bits = randi([0,1],1000,1);

Scramble and descramble the bits by using the scrambler initialization.

scrambledData = wlanScramble(bits,scramInit); descrambledData = wlanScramble(scrambledData,scramInit);

Verify that the descrambled data matches the original data.

ans =logical1

Input Arguments

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Input sequence to be scrambled, specified as a binary column vector or matrix.

Data Types:double|int8

Initial state of the scrambler, specified as an integer from 1 to 127, or a corresponding 7-by-1 column vector of binary bits.

在传输数据上使用的加扰器初始化遵循IEEE STD 802.11-2012,第18.3.5.5节和IEEE STD 802.11ad-2012,第21.3.9节中描述的过程遵循该过程。遵循扰扰器初始化字段(包括数据填充位)的标题和数据字段通过XORING COUNT-127周期序列XORINGEN-127周期性序列进行扰乱S(x)=x7+x4+1. The octets of the PSDU (Physical Layer Service Data Unit) are placed into a bit stream, and within each octet, bit 0 (LSB) is first and bit 7 (MSB) is last. The generation of the sequence and the XOR operation are shown in this figure:

从整数转换为位使用左侧MSB方向。用十进制初始化扰码器1, the bits are mapped to the elements shown.

Element X7 X6 X5 X4 X3 X2 X1
Bit Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

To generate the bit stream equivalent to a decimal, usede2bi. For example, for decimal1:

de2bi(1,7,'left-msb') ans = 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

SamescramInitis applied across all the columns ofbitswhen the input is a matrix.

Example:(0 0 0 0 0 0 1)”

Data Types:double

Output Arguments

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Scrambled or descrambled output, returned as a binary column vector or matrix with the same size and type asbits.

Extended Capabilities

Introduced in R2017b

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