






CFGS1G = WLANS1GCONFIGcreates a configuration object that initializes parameters for an IEEE®802.11™ sub 1 GHz (S1G) formatppdu


cfgS1G= wlanS1GConfig(姓名,Value)creates an S1G format configuration object that overrides the default settings using one or more姓名,Value配对参数。



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Create an S1G configuration object with default settings for a single user. Override the default by specifying a 4 MHz channel bandwidth and short preamble configuration.

CFGS1G = WLANS1GCONFIG;cfgS1G.ChannelBandwidth ='cbw4';cfgs1g.preamble ='Short';cfgS1G
CFGS1G = WLANS1GCONFIGwith properties: ChannelBandwidth: 'CBW4' Preamble: 'Short' NumUsers: 1 NumTransmitAntennas: 1 NumSpaceTimeStreams: 1 SpatialMapping: 'Direct' STBC: 0 MCS: 0 APEPLength: 256 GuardInterval: 'Long' PartialAID: 37 UplinkIndication: 0 Color: 0 TravelingPilots: 0 ResponseIndication: 'None' RecommendSmoothing: 1 Read-only properties: ChannelCoding: 'BCC' PSDULength: 261

Create an S1G configuration object that assigns a 2 MHz bandwidth and two users. Use a combination of Name,Value pairs and in-line initialization to change default settings. In vector-valued properties, each element applies to a specific user.

CFGMU= wlanS1GConfig('ChannelBandwidth','CBW2',。。。'Preamble','长',。。。'NumUsers',2,。。。'GroupID',2,。。。'num Transmitantennas',2);cfgmu.numspacetimestreams = [1 1];cfgmu.mcs = [4 8];cfgmu.apeplength = [1024 2048];CFGMU
cfgmu = wlans1gconfig带有属性:channelbandwidth:'cbw2'序言:'long'数字器:2用户置:[0 1] numTransmitantannas:2 numspaceTimeStreams:[1 1 1]空间图:'Direct MCS:'Direct MCS:[4 8] Apeplength:[4 8] Apeplength:[1024 2048:[1024 2048)] GuardInterval:“长”组ID:2 TravelPilots:0响应介绍:'none'读取属性:Channel编码:'BCC'psdulength:[1031 2065]

NumUsers被设定为2 and the user-dependent properties are two-element vectors.


Create an S1G configuration object with default settings. By default, the configuration object creates properties to model the short S1G packet format.

ans ='s1g-short'

Modify the defaults by using the dot notation to specify a long preamble.

cfgs1g.preamble ='长';packetFormat(CFGS1G)
ans ='s1g-long'

Input Arguments

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姓名-Value Pair Arguments

Specify optional comma-separated pairs of姓名,Value参数。姓名is the argument name andValueis the corresponding value.姓名must appear inside single quotes (' ')。您可以按任何顺序指定几个名称和值对参数NAME1,Value1,...,Namen,Valuen

例子:“ ChannelBandWidth”,“ CBW4”,“ Numusers”,2specifies a channel bandwidth of 4 MHz and two users for the S1G format packet.

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信道带宽, specified as'CBW1','CBW2','cbw4','cbw8', or'cbw16'。如果传输有多个用户,则将相同的频道带宽应用于所有用户。

例子:'cbw16'sets the channel bandwidth to 16 MHz.


前言type, specified as'Short'or'长'。此属性仅适用ChannelBandwidth不是'CBW1'


用户数, specified as 1, 2, 3, or 4. (NUsers)


Position of users, specified as an integer row vector with length equal toNumUsersand element values from 0 to 3 in a strictly increasing order. This property applies whenNumUsers> 1.

例子:[0 2 3]indicates positions for three users, where the first user occupies position 0, the second user occupies position 2, and the third user occupies position 3.





  • 对于单个用户,时空流的数量是从1到4的整数标量。

  • For multiple users, the number of space-time streams is a 1-by-NUsers整数从1到4的向量, whereNUsers≤ 4. The sum total of space-time streams for all users,Nsts_Total,不得超过四个。

例子:[1 1 2]指示三个用户的时空流数量,其中第一个用户获得1个时空流,第二个用户获得1个时空流,而第三个用户将获得2个时空流。分配的时空流总数为4。


空间映射方案,指定为'Direct','Hadamard','Fourier', or'Custom'。的默认值'Direct'applies whenNum Transmitantennasandnumspacetimestreams相等。


Spatial mapping matrix, specified as a scalar, matrix, or 3-D array. Use this property to apply a beamforming steering matrix, and to rotate and scale the constellation mapper output vector. If applicable, scale the space-time block coder output instead.SpatialMappingMatrixapplies when theSpatialMappingproperty is set to'Custom'。有关更多信息,请参见IEEE STD 802.11-2012,第20.节。

  • 当指定为标量时,常数值适用于所有子载波。

  • 当指定为矩阵时,大小必须为Nsts_total-经过-NT。这spatial mapping matrix applies to all the subcarriers.Nsts_totalis the sum of space-time streams for all users, andNTis the number of transmit antennas.

  • 当指定为3-D数组时,大小必须为NST-经过-Nsts_total-经过-NTNSTis the sum of the occupied data (NSD) and pilot (NSP) subcarriers, as determined byChannelBandwidthNsts_total是所有用户的时空流的总和。NTis the number of transmit antennas.


    ChannelBandwidth Number of Occupied Subcarriers (NST) Number of Data Subcarriers (NSD) 飞行员子载体的数量(NSP)
    'CBW1' 26 24 2
    'CBW2' 56 52 4
    'cbw4' 114 108 6
    'cbw8' 242 234 8
    'cbw16' 484 468 16


例子:[0.5 0.3 0.4; 0.4 0.5 0.8] represents a spatial mapping matrix having two space-time streams and three transmit antennas.

Complex Number Support:是的

在长长的序言包中启用波束形成, specified as a logical. Beamforming is performed when this setting istrue。This property applies for a long preamble (前言='长') withNumUsers= 1和SpatialMapping='Custom'。这SpatialMappingMatrix属性指定波束形成转向矩阵。


Enable space-time block coding (STBC) of the PPDU data field, specified as a logical. STBC transmits multiple copies of the data stream across assigned antennas.

  • When set tofalse,没有STBC应用于数据字段,时空流的数量等于空间流的数量。

  • When set totrue, STBC is applied to the data field, and the number of space-time streams is double the number of spatial streams.

See IEEE 802.11ac™-2013, Section for further description.


STBCis relevant for single-user transmissions only.


调制和编码方案used in transmitting the current packet, specified as a scalar or vector.

  • 对于一个用户,the MCS value is a scalar integer from 0 to 10.

  • 对于多个用户,MC是1 by-NUsersvector of integers or a scalar with values from 0 to 10, whereNUsers≤ 4.

MCS 调制 Coding Rate Comment
0 bpsk 1/2
1 QPSK 1/2
2 QPSK 3/4
3 16QAM 1/2
4 16QAM 3/4
5 64Qam 2/3
6 64Qam 3/4
7 64Qam 5/6
8 256QAM 3/4
9 256QAM 5/6
10 bpsk 1/2 Applies only forChannelBandwidth='CBW1'


A-MPDU Pre-EOF填充中的字节数,指定为整数标量或向量。

  • 对于一个用户,apeplengthis a scalar integer from 0 to 65,535.

  • For multiple users,apeplengthis a 1-by-NUsersvector of integers or a scalar with values from 0 to 65,535, whereNUsers≤ 4.

  • apeplength= 0for a null data packet (NDP).

apeplengthis used internally to determine the number of OFDM symbols in the data field.


Only aggregated data transmission is supported.



  • 这long guard interval length is 800 ns.

  • 这short guard interval length is 400 ns.


For S1G, the first OFDM symbol within the data field always has a long guard interval, even whenGuardInterval被设定为'Short'


组识别号,指定为1到62的整数标量。组识别号在多用户传输过程中发出信号。因此,此属性适用于长期序言(前言='长') and whenNumUsers大于1。


Abbreviated indication of the PSDU recipient, specified as an integer scalar from 0 to 511.

  • 对于一个上行传播,部分identification number is the last nine bits of the basic service set identifier (BSSID) and must be an integer from 0 to 511.

  • 对于下行链路传输,客户端的部分识别是将关联ID与其服务AP的BSSID相结合的标识符,并且必须是0到63的整数。

For more information, see IEEE Std 802.11ac-2013, Table 22-1.


Enable uplink indication, specified as a logical. Set上行链接totruefor uplink transmission orfalsefor downlink transmission. This property applies whenChannelBandwidth不是'CBW1'andNumUsers= 1.


接入点(AP)颜色标识符指定为一个n integer from 0 to 7. An AP includes aColornumber for the basic service set (BSS). An S1G station (STA) can use theColorsetting to determine if the transmission is within a BSS it is associated with. An S1G STA can terminate the reception process for transmissions received from a BSS that it is not associated with. This property applies whenChannelBandwidth不是'CBW1',NumUsers= 1, and上行链接=false


Enable traveling pilots, specified as a logical. SetTravelingPilotstotruefor nonconstant pilot locations. Traveling pilots allow a receiver to track a changing channel due to Doppler spread.


Response indication type, specified as'没有任何','NDP','Normal', or'长'。This information is used to indicate the presence and type of frame that will be sent a short interframe space (SIFS) after the current frame transmission. The response indication field is set based on the value of响应调查and transmitted in;

  • S1G_SHORT序言的SIG2字段

  • 这SIG-A-2 field of the S1G_LONG preamble

  • S1G_1M的SIG字段


建议平滑以进行频道估计, specified as a logical.

  • If the frequency profile is nonvarying across the channel , the receiver sets this property totrue。在这种情况下,建议将频域平滑作为通道估计的一部分。

  • If the frequency profile varies across the channel, the receiver sets this property tofalse。In this case, frequency-domain smoothing is not recommended as part of channel estimation.



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S1Gppdu配置,返回为wlanS1GConfig目的。属性cfgS1Gare described inwlans1gconfig属性

More About

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这physical layer convergence procedure (PLCP) protocol data unit (PPDU) is the complete PLCP frame, including PLCP headers, MAC headers, the MAC data field, and the MAC and PLCP trailers.


Introduced in R2016b

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