



y = wlanHTLTF(cfg)



y= wlanHTLTF(cfg)生成一个HT-LTF[1]time-domain waveform forHT-mixed格式传输给定指定的参数cfg


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创建一个wlanhtconfig对象具有40 MHz的通道带宽。

cfg = wlanHTConfig(“ChannelBandwidth',“CBW40');

Generate the corresponding HT-LTF.

hltfout = wlanhtltf(cfg);size(hltfOut)
ans =1×2160 1




cfg = wlanHTConfig('MCS',31,'num Transmitantennas',4,“ numspacetimestreams”,4)
cfg = wlanhtconfig具有属性:channelbandwidth:'cbw20'num Transmitantennas:4 numspacetimestreams:4个空间映射:'Direct'MCS:31 GuardInterval:'Long'Long'Channel编码:'BCC'psdulength:'bcc'psdulength:1024聚合Mpdu:0推荐:0推荐:0推荐:1 1 1

Generate the corresponding HT-LTF.

hltfout = wlanhtltf(cfg);


ans =1×2320 4

Because the channel bandwidth is 20 MHz and has four space-time streams, the output waveform has four HT-LTF and 320 time-domain samples.

Input Arguments

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格式配置,指定为wlanhtconfigobject. Thewlanhtltffunction uses these properties:

Channel bandwidth in MHz, specified as“CBW20'或者“CBW40'

Data Types:char|string


Data Types:double

Number of space-time streams in the transmission, specified as 1, 2, 3, or 4.

Data Types:double


Data Types:double

空间映射方案,指定为'Direct','Hadamard','Fourier', or'风俗'。默认值'Direct',适用于何时Num TransmitantennasNumSpaceTimeStreams相等。

Data Types:char|string

Spatial mapping matrix, specified as a scalar, matrix, or 3-D array. Use this property to rotate and scale the constellation mapper output vector. This property applies when theSpatialMapping属性设置为'风俗'。The spatial mapping matrix is used for beamforming and mixing space-time streams over the transmit antennas.

  • 什么时候specified as a scalar,Num Transmitantennas=NumSpaceTimeStreams= 1,恒定值适用于所有子载波。

  • 什么时候specified as a matrix, the size must be (NSTS+NESS)-经过-NTNSTSis the number of space-time streams.NESS是扩展空间流的数量。NT是发射天线的数量。空间映射矩阵适用于所有子载波。首先NSTS和lastNESSrows apply to the space-time streams and extension spatial streams respectively.

  • 什么时候specified as a 3-D array, the size must beNST-经过-(NSTS+NESS)-经过-NTNSTis the sum of the data and pilot subcarriers, as determined byChannelBandwidthNSTSis the number of space-time streams.NESS是扩展空间流的数量。NT是发射天线的数量。In this case, each data and pilot subcarrier can have its own spatial mapping matrix.

    The table shows theChannelBandwidth设置和相应的NST

    ChannelBandwidth NST
    “CBW20' 56
    “CBW40' 114

The calling function normalizes the spatial mapping matrix for each subcarrier.

例子:[0.5 0.3; 0.4 0.4; 0.5 0.8]represents a spatial mapping matrix having three space-time streams and two transmit antennas.

Data Types:double
Complex Number Support:Yes

Output Arguments

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HT-LTF waveform, returned as an (NS×NHTLTF)-经过-NTmatrix.NS是时间域样本的数量NHTLTF, whereNHTLTFis the number of OFDM symbols in theHT-LTFNT是发射天线的数量。

NSis proportional to the channel bandwidth. Each symbol contains 80 time samples per 20 MHz channel.

ChannelBandwidth NS
“CBW20' 80
“CBW40' 160

确定数量NHTLTFis described inHT-LTF

Data Types:double
Complex Number Support:Yes

More About

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The high throughput long training field (HT-LTF) is located between the HT-STF and data field of an HT-mixed packet.

As described in IEEE®STD 802.11™-2012,第20.节,接收器可以使用HT-LTF来估计QAM映射器输出集(或应用STBC)之间的MIMO通道和接收链。HT-LTF部分有一个或两个部分。第一部分由一个,两个或四个HT-LTF组成,这些HT-LTF是解调PPDU的HT-DATA部分所必需的。这些HT-LTF被称为HT-DLTF。可选的第二部分由零,一,两个或四个HT-LTF组成,可用于在PPDU的HT-DATA部分使用的MIMO通道的额外空间尺寸。这些HT-LTF被称为HT-eltfs。每个HT长训练符号为4μs。时空流的数量和扩展流的数量决定了传输的HT-LTF符号的数量。

Tables 20-12, 20-13 and 20-14 from IEEE Std 802.11-2012 are reproduced here.

NSTSDetermination NhtdltfDetermination NhteltfDetermination

Table 20-12 defines the number of space-time streams (NSTS) based on the number of spatial streams (NSS) from the MCS and the STBC field.

Table 20-13 defines the number of HT-DLTFs required for theNSTS

表20-14定义了扩展空间流数量所需的HT-teltf数量(NESS).NESSis defined in HT-SIG2

1 0 1
1 1 2
2 0 2
2 1 3
2 2 4
3 0 3
3 1 4
4 0 4

NSTS Nhtdltf
1 1
2 2
3 4
4 4

NESS Nhteltf
0 0
1 1
2 2
3 4

Additional constraints include:

  • NHTLTF=Nhtdltf+Nhteltf≤5


    • 什么时候NSTS= 3,NESScannot exceed one.

    • 如果NESS= 1whenNSTS= 3thenNHTLTF= 5


如IEEE STD 802.11-2012,第20.1.4节中所述,高吞吐量混合(HT混合)格式数据包包含与IEEE STD 802.11-2012,第18节和第19节接收器兼容的序言。非HT(第18和第19节)Stas可以解码非HT场(L-STF,L-LTF和L-SIG)。其余的前序场(HT-SIG,HT-STF和HT-LTF)用于HT传输,因此第18节和第19节Stas无法解码它们。该数据包的HT部分在IEEE STD 802.11-2012,第20.3.9.4节中进行了描述。万博1manbetx对HT混合格式的支持是必须的。




[1] IEEE Std 802.11™-2012 IEEE Standard for Information technology — Telecommunications and information exchange between systems — Local and metropolitan area networks — Specific requirements — Part 11: Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) Specifications.

Extended Capabilities


[1]IEEE STD 802.11-2012经IEEE许可改编并重印。版权所有2012。保留所有权利。
