
读、写和圣ore Point Clouds

I/O operations to read, write, and store point cloud data

Use the point cloud read, write, and storage functions for input and output point cloud data operations.


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pcread Read 3-D point cloud from PLY or PCD file
pcwrite Write 3-D point cloud to PLY or PCD file
pcfromkinect Point cloud from Kinect for Windows
pointCloud Object for storing a 3-D point cloud
findNearestNeighbors Find nearest neighbors of a point
findNeighborsInRadius Find neighbors within a radius
findPointsInROI Find points within ROI
removeInvalidPoints Remove invalid points

Examples and How To

Read Point Cloud from a PLY File

Display a point cloud from a PLY format file.

Write 3-D Point Cloud to PLY File

Save a 3-D point cloud to a PLY format file.

Plot Color Point Cloud from Kinect for Windows

Plot a color point cloud from Kinect images.