
Import FMUs

Use theFMUblock to import Functional Mockup Units (FMUs) into Simulink®.

The FMU block automatically selects the FMU mode based on the existing FMU you want to import:

  • Co-Simulation— Integrate FMUs that implement an FMI Co-Simulation interface. These FMUs can contain local solvers used for tool coupling.

  • Model Exchange— Integrate FMUs that implement an FMI Model Exchange interface. These FMUs do not contain local solvers. Instead, these FMUs inherit solvers from Simulink.

This block supports FMI versions 1.0 and 2.0. For FMI version 2.0, if your FMU contains both Co-Simulation and Model Exchange elements, the block detects this state and prompts you to select the mode you want the block to operate in.

You can use your FMU block as you do other Simulink blocks. These blocks support normal and accelerator modes.

This topic assumes that you provide a.fmufile.

FMU XML File Directives

The default parameter values derive from the corresponding parameterstartvalue defined in the FMUModelDescription.xmlfile. A block parameter value overwrites the initial value of the corresponding parameter defined in the FMU binary implementation.

Simulink interprets these FMU tags accordingly.

FMU Tag 万博1manbetx

ScalarVariablehas attributes set as follows:

  • causality="none"orcausality="internal"

  • variability="parameter"

  • startvalue is defined

InterpretsScalarVariableelement as block parameter


Interprets block parameter as edit field


Interprets block parameter as edit field


Interprets block parameter as check box


Interprets block parameter as drop-down list


Interprets as UTF-8 encoded string

The FMU block supports the following encoding formats for the model description XML file:

  • ISO-8859–1

  • UTF-8

  • UTF-16

Additional Support and Limitations

Capability FMI Version 2.0 Support FMI Version 1.0 Support


Fast restart

Simulation Stepper

Solver Jacobian

Linearize models

Declare parameter as tunable and tune it during simulation

For Each subsystem blocks

Parameters of type string

Rapid Accelerator, software-in-the-loop (SIL), processor-in-the-loop (PIL) modes

Code generation

Model coverage

Simulink Design Verifier™

Model reference in accelerator mode

FMU Import Examples

For examples of importing FMUs into and System objects, seeIntegrating FMUs for Simulationin Simulink Examples:

Example Description

Importing a Co-Simulation FMU into Simulink

This model shows how to use the FMU block to load an FMU file that supports Co-Simulation mode.

Importing a Model Exchange FMU into Simulink

This model shows how to use the FMU block to load an FMU file that supports Model Exchange mode.

Using Bus Signals and Structure Parameters in the FMU Import Block

This model shows how to use bus signals and structure parameters in an FMU block that supports Model Exchange mode.

See Also

Related Topics

External Websites

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