
Variable-Size Signal Limitations

The following table is a list of known limitations and workarounds.

Limitation Workaround
Array format logging does not support variable-size signals. Use aStructureorStructure With Timeformat for logging variable-size signals.
Right-click signal logging does not support variable-size signals. Use a To Workspace block (withStructureorStructure With Time格式)或一个根为日志variab外港块le-size signals.
A frame-based variable-size signal cannot change the frame length (first dimension size), but it can change the second dimension size (number of channels). Using frame-based signals requires DSP System Toolbox™ software. Use the Frame Conversion block to convert a signal into sample-based signal.
Variable-size signals must have a discrete sample time.
Embedded Coder®does not support variable-size signals with ERT S-functions, custom storage classes, function prototype control, the AUTOSAR, C++ interface, and the ERT reusable code interface.
万博1manbetx®does not support variable-size parameter or DWork vectors.
Rapid accelerator mode does not support models having root-level input ports with variable-size signals.
Virtual buses that you use as inputs to or outputs from a referenced model (Modelblock) do not support variable-size signals. Configure the bus signal as nonvirtual. For more information about using buses as inputs to or outputs from a referenced model, seeBus Data Crossing Model Reference Boundaries. For more information about controlling bus virtuality, seeVirtual and Nonvirtual Buses.

Variable-size signals are not supported for:

  • Array of buses signals

  • Blocks that specify an initial condition as a MATLAB®structure

You cannot apply a storage class to a root-levelOutportblock (seeApply Storage Classes to Individual Signal, State, and Parameter Data Elements(Simulink Coder)) if the signal that enters the block has a variable size. Apply the storage class to the signal line instead of theOutportblock.

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