
Signal Types

Summary of Signal Types

您可以使用许多不同种类f signals in a model. The following table summarizes the signal types, and links to sections that describe each type in detail.

Signal Type Description
Array of buses An array whose elements are buses. SeeCombine Buses into an Array of Buses.
Bus (Composite) A Simulink®composite signal made up of other signals, optionally including other bus signals. SeeComposite (Bus) Signals.
Control Signal used by one block to initiate execution of another block. For example, a signal that executes a function-call or action subsystem. For details, see控制信号.
Nonvirtual Signal that occupies its own storage. A nonvirtual bus reads inputs and writes outputs by accessing copies of the component signals.


A virtual vector created with a Mux block. SeeMux Signals.

Variable-Size Signal whose size (the number of elements in a dimension), in addition to its values, can change during a model simulation.

Signal that represents another signal or set of signals. A virtual signal is used for graphical purposes and has no functional effect. SeeVirtual Signals.


Acontrol signalis a signal used by one block to initiate execution of another block. For example, a signal that executes a function-call or action subsystem is a control signal. When you update or simulate a block diagram, Simulink uses a dash-dot pattern to redraw lines representing the control signals.

Composite (Bus) Signals

You can group multiple signals into a hierarchical composite signal, called abus, route the bus from block to block, and extract constituent signals from the bus where needed. When you have many parallel signals, buses can simplify the appearance of a model and help to clarify generated code. A bus can be either virtual or nonvirtual.

For example, if you open and simulate thebusdemoexample model, thebus1,bus2, andmain_bussignals are bus signals. These virtual bus signals use the triple line style.

For information about buses, seeslexBusExampleandBuses.

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