


Limitation Details
加速器模式下的可重复使用性 Specify Reusability of Referenced Models
阻止口罩 Use Masked Blocks in Referenced Models
S-Functions Use S-Functions with Referenced Models

From块cannot cross model reference boundaries.


如果模型块引用了包含的模型任务块that are not in an iterator subsystem, you cannot place a模型迭代子系统中的块。

在一个可配置的子系统模型block, during model update, do not change the subsystem that the configurable subsystem selects.


Aninitfcncallback in a top model cannot change parameters used by referenced models.

MATLAB®Function block

A MATLAB Function block in a referenced model that executes in accelerator mode cannot call MATLAB functions that are declared extrinsic for code generation.



  • Contains exported graphical functions

  • Is part of a Stateflow model that contains machine-parented data

Signal Limitations

Limitation Details
0-based or 1-based indexing information propagation 索引信息传播
Asynchronous rates

Referenced models can only use asynchronous rates if the model meets两个都of these conditions:

  • An external source drives the asynchronous rate through a root-level企业堵塞。

  • The root-level企业block outputs a function-call signal. See异步任务规范

User-defined data type input or output



A referenced model cannot directly access the signals in a multirate bus. To overcome this limitation, seeConnect Multirate Buses to Referenced Models


Limitation Details
Continuous sample time propagation

A continuous sample time cannot be propagated to a模型block that is sample-time independent.



State initialization

To initialize the states of a model that references other models with states, specify the initial states in structure or structure with time format. For more information, seeState Information for Referenced Models

Parameter tunability

When you simulate a model that references other models, under some circumstances, you lose some tunability of block parameters (for example, the获得parameter of a获得堵塞)。有关更多信息,请参阅Tunability Considerations and Limitations for Other Modeling Goals

0-based or 1-based indexing information propagation 索引信息传播

您可以模拟具有正常模式的参考模型的多个实例的模型。参考模型的所有实例都是模拟的一部分。但是,Simuli万博1manbetxnk®在模型窗口中仅显示一个实例。正常模式可见性设置确定了哪些实例Simulink显示。万博1manbetx正常模式可见性包括显示范围块和data port values.

To set up your model to control which instance of a referenced model in normal mode has visibility and to ensure proper simulation of the model, seeConfigure Models with Multiple Referenced Model Instances


When you create a model, you cannot use that model as an accelerator mode referenced model until you have saved the model to disk. You can work around this limitation by setting the model to normal mode. SeeSimulate Model Reference Hierarchies


对于以加速器模式引用的模型,Simulink忽略了您设置为值的某些运行时诊断万博1manbetx没有任何or禁用所有。有关详细信息,请参阅诊断之iguration Parameters Ignored in Accelerator Mode


一些块包括在加速器模式下以引用模型中的块中包含块时禁用的运行时检查。这些块的示例包括任务,选择器, 和MATLAB功能块)。

simcommand in accelerator mode


Data logging and visualization in accelerator mode

These logging methods have limitations when specified for referenced models executing in accelerator mode.

  • 到工作区日志数据块只如果你使用Timeseries形式t.

  • 范围,浮动范围, 和范围查看器块— No data is displayed.

  • Runtime display — Simulation data values, such as port values, do not display.

加速器模式下的可重复使用性 Specify Reusability of Referenced Models
Linearization of discrete states in accelerator mode




外部模式in accelerator mode

Accelerator mode does not support the外部模式option. If you enable the外部模式选项,加速器模式忽略了它。

Sim viewing device in rapid accelerator mode

在快速加速器模式下,Simulink不会更新万博1manbetx模型block with a sim viewing device.

SIL and PIL mode

Simulation Mode Override Behavior in Model Reference Hierarchy(嵌入式编码器)。

Custom C code for referenced model simulation (SIM) target build for accelerator mode

要在加速器模式下使用自定义C代码,请启用Include custom code for referenced models配置参数。




Limitation Details

使用父模型中的Simulink调试万博1manbetx器,您可以在模型block boundaries. Setting the breakpoints allows you to look at the input and output values of the模型堵塞。但是,您无法在模型内设置断点模型块引用。看Simulink Debugger了解更多信息。

万博1manbetxSimulink Profiler

In Normal mode, enabling the Simulink Profiler on a parent model does not enable profiling for referenced models. Enable profiling separately for each referenced model. See牧师如何捕获性能数据


Simulink tools that require access to the internal data or the configuration of a model have no effect on referenced models executing in accelerator mode. Specifications made and actions taken by such tools are ignored. Examples of tools that require access to model internal data or configuration include:

  • 模型覆盖范围

  • Simulink Report Generator™

  • Simulink Debugger

  • 万博1manbetxSimulink Profiler

Printing referenced models

You cannot print a referenced model from a top model.


Limitation Details
配置参数 配置参数要求(Simulink Coder).

If you generate code for an atomic subsystem as a reusable function, when you use accelerator mode, the inputs or outputs that connect the subsystem to a referenced model can affect code reuse. See从子系统生成返回代码(万博1manbetxSimulink编码器)有关详细信息。


Simulation target code generation for referenced models in accelerator mode does not support data type replacement.

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