
Factors Affecting Fast Restart

There are some limitations to simulating in fast restart.

  • Fast restart does not support these modes:

    • Rapid Accelerator

    • External

  • When a model is in the reinitialized state, you cannot:

    • 使结构changes.

    • Make changes to nontunable parameters such as sample time.

    • Save changes to the model. You must turn off fast restart to save any changes to the model.

  • You cannot turn on fast restart in a model if it contains blocks that do not supportSimState. These blocks include:

    • Legacy (pre-R2016a) SimEvents®blocks

    • Simscape™ Multibody™First Generation blocks

    • MATLAB®function blocks that contain system objects

    • S-functions that do not implement SimStategetandsetmethods but havePworkvectors declared

    • From Multimedia File

    • To Multimedia File

    • From Audio Device

    • To Audio Device

    • Multipath Rician Fading Channel

    • 多径瑞利衰落信道

    • Derepeat

    • DC Blocker

    • Stack

    • Queue

    • Read Binary File

    • Write Binary File

    • Video Viewer

    • Frame Rate Display

    • Video From Workspace

    • Video To Workspace

  • Between simulations, fast restart does not handle changes to design data, such as bus properties.

  • Parameter tunability limitations apply. SeeTunability Considerations and Limitations for Other Modeling Goals.

  • The Fixed-Point Tool provides limited support when a model is simulated in fast restart. You must exit fast restart to collect simulation and derived ranges, and propose data types.

  • When fast restart is on, you cannot change the variant that a variant subsystem or variant model uses. This is because the inactive subsystems are not compiled in the first simulation.

  • When there are multiple model references to the same submodel, you cannot change the model visibility when the model is in the reinitialized state.

  • Fast restart is not compatible with these tools:

    • 万博1manbetx®Profiler

    • Simulink Debugger

  • When simulating a model in fast restart, you cannot run checks using Model Advisor.

  • When you enable fast restart, thesimcommand supports only the single outputSimulink.SimulationOutputform, regardless of the syntax you use in the command.

  • When you enable fast restart, you cannot pass non-tunable parameters as arguments tosim.

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