

Copy contents of subsystem to empty block diagram




万博1manbetx仿真软件。苏bSystem.copyContentsToBlockDiagram(subsys,bdiag)copies the contents of the subsystemsubsysto the block diagrambdiag. The subsystem and block diagram must have already been loaded. The subsystem cannot be part of the block diagram. The function affects only blocks, lines, and annotations; it does not affect nongraphical information such as configuration sets.

This function cannot be used if the destination block diagram contains any blocks or signals. Other types of information can exist in the destination block diagram and are unaffected by the function. Use万博1manbetx仿真软件。BlockDiagram.deleteContentsif necessary to empty the block diagram before using万博1manbetx仿真软件。苏bSystem.copyContentsToBlockDiagram.


To flatten a model hierarchy by expanding the contents of a subsystem to the system that contains that subsystem, do not use the万博1manbetx仿真软件。苏bSystem.copyContentsToBlockDiagramfunction. Instead, expand the subsystem, as described inExpand Subsystem Contents.

Input Arguments


苏bsystem name or handle


Block diagram name or handle


Copy the graphical contents off14/Controller, including all nested subsystems, to a new block diagram:

% open f14 open_system('f14'); % create a new model newbd = new_system; open_system(newbd); % copy the subsystem Simulink.SubSystem.copyContentsToBlockDiagram('f14/Controller', newbd); % close f14 and the new model close_system('f14', 0); close_system(newbd, 0);

Introduced in R2007a

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