

Output signal attributes, including width, dimensionality, sample time, and complex signal flag


Signal Attributes


The Probe block outputs selected information about the signal on its input. The block can output the input signal's width, dimensionality, sample time, and a flag indicating whether the input is a complex-valued signal. The block has one input port. The number of output ports depends on the information that you select for probing, that is, signal dimensionality, sample time, and/or complex signal flag. Each probed value is output as a separate signal on a separate output port. The block accepts real or complex-valued signals of any built-in data type. It outputs signals of typedouble。在仿真过程中,块图标将显示探测的数据。


The Probe block accepts signals of the following data types:

  • Floating point

  • Built-in integer

  • Fixed point

  • Boolean

  • Enumerated (input only)

  • Bus object

For more information, seeData Types Supported by Simulinkin the Simulink®documentation.

You can use an array of buses as an input signal to a Probe block. For details about defining and using an array of buses, see将公交车结合成一系列公共汽车


Probe width

Select to output the width, or number of elements, of the probed signal.

Probe sample time

Select to output the sample time of the probed signal. The output is a two-element vector that specifies the period and offset of the sample time, respectively. SeeSpecify Sample Timefor more information.

Detect complex signal

Select to output 1 if the probed signal is complex; otherwise, 0.

Probe signal dimensions

Select to output the dimensions of the probed signal.


The Probe block ignores theData type override设置定点工具。


Select the output data type for the width information.

Data type for sample time

Select the output data type for the sample time information.

Data type for signal complexity

Select the output data type for the complexity information.

Data type for signal dimensions

Select the output data type for the dimensions information.


For数据类型的宽度,Data type for sample time, andData type for signal dimensions,Booleandata type is not supported. Furthermore, if you selectSame as input在这些下拉列表中的任何一个中,该块的输入信号数据类型为Boolean, when you simulate your model, you see an error.


Thesldemo_fuelsysmodel shows how you can use the Probe block.

In thefuel_rate_control/validate_sample_timesubsystem, the Probe block determines the sample time of the input signal to verify that it matches the assumed value of the design:

For more information, see themodel description


Data Types

Double | Single | Boolean | Base Integer | Fixed-Point | Enumerated | Bus

Sample Time

Inherited from driving block

Direct Feedthrough


Multidimensional Signals


Variable-Size Signals


Zero-Crossing Detection

Code Generation


Introduced before R2006a

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