

Delete line from万博1manbetxmodel


delete_line (sys,点)



delete_line(sys,out,in)deletes the line from the model or subsystemsys连接输出端口outto the input portin.


delete_line(sys,观点)deletes the line that includes the point观点.


delete_line(lineHandle)删除线使用line handle.


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For the modelvdp, remove the line connecting the Product block with the Gain block.

load_system('vdp'); delete_line('vdp','Product/1','Mu/1');

For the modelvdp, remove a line using the line handle. You can get the line handle using different techniques.

load_system('vdp'); h = get_param('vdp/Mu','LineHandles'); delete_line(h.Outport(1));

Get a line handle when you create the line. Delete the line using that handle.

a = add_line('vdp','Mu/1','Sum/2'); delete_line(a)

You can use a point on the line to delete the whole line.

Find the port coordinates for the block Mu in the modelvdp.

open_system('vdp'); mu = get_param('vdp/Mu',“ portconnectivity'); mu.Position
ans =1×2190 150
ans =1×2225 150

The line that connects the Mu block to the Sum block starts at the output port, which is at (225,150). You can use any point to the right of that point along the samex-axis to delete the line.


Usedelete_linewith branched lines to remove the segment for any connection.



Delete the line from x1 to the Out1 block. This command deletes only the segment of the line that connects the branch to the specified block.


Delete the line segment from x2 to the Mux.


Delete the line segment from x2 to the Product block.


Input Arguments

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Model or subsystem to delete the line from, specified as a character vector.


Block output port to delete line from, specified as either:

  • The block name, a slash, and the port name or number. Most block ports are numbered from top to bottom or from left to right. For a state port, use the port name State instead of a port number.

  • 您要从中删除该行的端口处理。

Use“ Porthandles”withget_paramto get the handles.


Block input port to delete line from, specified as either:

  • The block name, a slash, and the port name or number. The port name on:

    • An enabled subsystem is Enable.

    • A triggered subsystem is Trigger.

    • If Action and Switch Case Action subsystems is Action.

  • 您要从中删除该行的端口处理。

Use“ Porthandles”withget_paramto get handles.


Point that falls on the line you want to delete, specified as a 1-by-2 matrix.

Example:[150 200]

要删除的行的手柄. You can get the line handle by usingget_param'LineHandles'option or by assigning the line to a handle when you create it programmatically.

See Also


Introduced before R2006a

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