
Model Configuration Pane

Model Configuration Overview

View or edit the name and description of your configuration set.

In the Model Explorer you can edit the name and description of your configuration sets.

In the Model Explorer or Simulink®Preferences window you can edit the description of your template configuration set, Model Configuration Preferences. Go to the Model Configuration Preferences to edit the template Configuration Parameters to be used as defaults for new models.

When editing the Model Configuration preferences, you can clickRestore to Default Preferences恢复default configuration settings for creating new models. These underlying defaults cannot be changed.


Specify the name of your configuration set.


Default:配置(for Active configuration set) or配置Preferences(for default configuration set).

Edit the name of your configuration set.

In the Model Configuration Preferences, the name of the default configuration is always Configuration Preferences, and cannot be changed.


Specify a description of your configuration set.


No Default

Enter text to describe your configuration set.


No further help documentation is available for this parameter.

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