
Model Configuration Parameters: Model Referencing Diagnostics

TheDiagnostics>Model Referencingcategory includes parameters for detecting issues related to referenced models (Modelblocks).

Parameter Description

Model block version mismatch

Select the diagnostic action to take when loading or updating this model if Simulink®软件检测到一个mismatch between the version of the model used to create or refresh a Model block in this model and the referenced model's current version.

Port and parameter mismatch

Select the diagnostic action to take if Simulink software detects a port or parameter mismatch during model loading or updating.

Invalid root Inport/Outport block connection

Select the diagnostic action to take if Simulink software detects invalid internal connections to this model's root-level Output port blocks.

Unsupported data logging

Select the diagnostic action to take if this model containsTo Workspaceblocks orScopeblocks with data logging enabled.

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