

Taylor window


w = taylorwin(n)
w = taylorwin(n,nbar)
w = taylorwin(n,nbar,sll)


Taylor windows are similar to Chebyshev windows. Whereas a Chebyshev window has the narrowest possible mainlobe for a specified sidelobe level, a Taylor window allows you to make tradeoffs between the mainlobe width and the sidelobe level. The Taylor distribution avoids edge discontinuities, so Taylor window sidelobes decrease monotonically. Taylor window coefficients are not normalized. Taylor windows are typically used in radar applications, such as weighting synthetic aperture radar images and antenna design.

w = taylorwin(n)returns ann-point Taylor window in a column vector,w. The values in this vector are the window weights or coefficients.

w = taylorwin(n,nbar)returns ann-point Taylor window withnbarnearly constant-level sidelobes adjacent to the mainlobe. These sidelobes are “nearly constant-level” because some decay occurs in the transition region.nbarmust be a positive integer. Its default value is 4.

w = taylorwin(n,nbar,sll)returns ann-point Taylor window with a maximum sidelobe level ofslldB relative to the mainlobe peak.sllmust be negative. Its default value is –30, which produces sidelobes with peaks 30 dB down from the mainlobe peak.


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Generate a 64-point Taylor window with four nearly constant-level sidelobes and a peak sidelobe level of -35 dB relative to the mainlobe peak. Visualize the result withwvtool.

w = taylorwin(64,4,-35); wvtool(w)


[1] Carrara, Walter G., Ronald M. Majewski, and Ron S. Goodman. Spotlight Synthetic Aperture Radar: Signal Processing Algorithms. Boston: Artech House, 1995, Appendix D.2.

[2] Brookner, Eli. Practical Phased Array Antenna Systems. Boston: Artech House, 1991.

Extended Capabilities

Introduced in R2006a

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