
PS-Simulink Converter

Convert physical signal into万博1manbetxoutput signal




ThePS-Simulink Converterblock converts a physical signal into a Simulink®output signal. Use this block to connect outputs of a Physical Network diagram to Simulink scopes or other Simulink blocks.

TheOutput signal unitparameter lets you specify the desired units for the output signal. These units must be commensurate with the units of the input physical signal coming into the block. If you specify a desired output unit, the block applies a gain equal to the conversion factor before outputting the Simulink signal. For example, if the input physical signal coming into the block is displacement, in meters, and you setOutput signal unitto毫米, the block multiplies the value of the input signal by 10e3 before outputting it.

In the diagram below, the input signal for thePS-Simulink Converterblock is torque in N*m, and if you do not specify the output signal unit, theDisplayblock shows the value of 10. If you change theOutput signal unitparameter value in thePS-Simulink Converterblock toN*cm, the torque value in theDisplayblock changes to 1000, as shown in the diagram.


目前,物理单位propagated through the blocks in the Physical Signals library, such asPS Add,PS Gain, and so on. If your diagram contains a Physical Signals block before aPS-Simulink Converterblock, the unit specification in thePS-Simulink Converterblock is ignored.

In the following example, thePS-Simulink Converterblock is installed after thePS Gain1block. The display reading will remain the same regardless of theOutput signal unitparameter setting in thePS-Simulink Converterblock.

When the output signal is related to thermodynamic variables and contains units of temperature, you must decide whether affine conversion needs to be applied. For more information, seeWhen to Apply Affine Conversion. Usually, if the output signal represents a relative temperature, that is, a change in temperature, you need to apply linear conversion, ΔTnew=L* ΔTold(the default method). However, if the output signal represents an absolute temperature, you need to apply affine conversion,Tnew=L*Told+O.

In the following diagram, the Display block shows the room temperature. If you want to display it in degrees Celsius, open thePS-Simulink Converterblock, typedegCin theOutput signal unitfield, and select theApply affine conversioncheck box. The display reading is 24.35. However, if you leave theApply affine conversioncheck box clear, theDisplayblock would show 297.5.


Output signal unit

Specify the desired units for the output signal. These units must be commensurate with the units of the input physical signal coming into the block. The system compares the units you specified with the actual units of the input physical signal and applies a gain equal to the conversion factor before outputting the Simulink signal. You can select a unit from the drop-down list, or type the desired unit name, such asrpm, or a valid expression, such asrad/s. For more information and a list of unit abbreviations, see如何Specify Units in Block DialogsandUnit Definitions. The default value is1, which means that the unit is not specified. If you do not specify a unit, or if the unit matches the actual units of the input physical signal, no gain is applied.

Apply affine conversion

This check box is applicable only for units that can be converted either with or without an affine offset, such as thermal units. For more information, seeThermal Unit Conversions.

Restricted Parameters


The block has a physical signal input port, located on its left side, and a Simulink output port, located on its right side (in the block default orientation).

Introduced in R2007a

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