
Discrete Data Plots

Stem, stair, scatter plots


stem Plot discrete sequence data
stairs Stairstep graph
stem3 图3 d离散序列数据
scatter Scatter plot
scatter3 3-D scatter plot
spy Visualize sparsity pattern
plotmatrix Scatter plot matrix
的热图 Create heatmap chart
sortx Sort elements in heatmap row
sorty Sort elements in heatmap column
wordcloud Create word cloud chart from text data
geobubble Visualize data values at specific geographic locations
geolimits Set or query geographic limits


Stem Properties Stem chart appearance and behavior
Stair Properties Stair chart appearance and behavior
Scatter Properties Scatter chart appearance and behavior
HeatmapChart Properties Heatmap chart appearance and behavior
WordCloudChart Properties Control word cloud chart appearance and behavior
GeographicBubbleChart Properties Control geographic bubble chart appearance and behavior


Combine Line and Stem Plots

This example shows how to combine a line plot and two stem plots.

Overlay Stairstep Plot and Line Plot

This example shows how to overlay a line plot on a stairstep plot.

Create Heatmap from Tabular Data

This example shows how to create a heatmap from a table and how to modify the heatmap appearance.

Interpolating Scattered Data

Interpolating scattered data usingscatteredInterpolant.

Create Word Cloud from String Arrays

This example shows how to create a word cloud from plain text by reading it into a string array, preprocessing it, and passing it to thewordcloudfunction.

Geographic Bubble Charts Overview

Provide context for your data by plotting it over a map.

Create Geographic Bubble Chart from Tabular Data

Geographic bubble charts are a way to visualize data overlaid on a map.

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