

File name of currently running code


p = mfilename('fullpath')
c = mfilename('class')


mfilenamereturns a character vector containing the file name of the file in which the function call occurs. When called from within the file, it returns the name of that file. This allows a script or function to determine its name.

p = mfilename('fullpath')返回文件的完整路径和名称范围h the call occurs, not including the filename extension.

c = mfilename('class')in a method, returns the class of the method, not including the leading@sign. If called from a nonmethod, it yields the empty character vector.


Ifmfilenameis called with any argument other than the above two, it behaves as if it were called with no argument.

When called from the command line,mfilenamereturns an empty character vector.

To get the names of the callers of a MATLAB®function file, usedbstackwith an output argument.

Extended Capabilities

C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using MATLAB® Coder™.

Introduced before R2006a

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