

Get variable import options


varOpts = getvaropts(opts,selection)



varOpts= getvaropts(opts,selection)returns the variable import options for the variables specified inselection.


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Access the variable import options object that controls the importing of a variable using thegetvaroptsfunction.

Create import options from a file. The options object is a collection of individual variable import options.

opts = detectImportOptions('patients.xls')
opts = SpreadsheetImportOptions with properties: Sheet Properties: Sheet: '' Replacement Properties: MissingRule: 'fill' ImportErrorRule: 'fill' Variable Import Properties: Set types by name using setvartype VariableNames: {'LastName', 'Gender', 'Age' ... and 7 more} VariableTypes: {'char', 'char', 'double' ... and 7 more} SelectedVariableNames: {'LastName', 'Gender', 'Age' ... and 7 more} VariableOptions: Show all 10 VariableOptions Access VariableOptions sub-properties using setvaropts/getvaropts Range Properties: DataRange: 'A2' (Start Cell) VariableNamesRange: 'A1' RowNamesRange: '' VariableUnitsRange: '' VariableDescriptionsRange: '' To display a preview of the table, use preview

Get the variable import options object for the specified variable.

varOpts = getvaropts(opts,'Systolic')
varOpts = NumericVariableImportOptions with properties: Variable Properties: Name: 'Systolic' Type: 'double' FillValue: NaN TreatAsMissing: {} QuoteRule: 'remove' Prefixes: {} Suffixes: {} Numeric Options: ExponentCharacter: 'eEdD' DecimalSeparator: '.' ThousandsSeparator: '' TrimNonNumeric: 0

To modify the variable import options, see thesetvaroptsandsetvartypefunction reference pages.

Input Arguments

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File import options, specified as a保存权杖adsheetImportOptions,DelimitedTextImportOptions, or aFixedWidthImportOptionsobject created by thedetectImportOptionsfunction. Theoptsobject contains properties that control the data import process, such as variable properties, data location properties, replacement rules, and others.

Selected variables, specified as a character vector, cell array of character vectors, or an array of numeric indices.

Variable names (or indices) must be a subset of the names contained in theVariableNamesproperty of theoptsobject.



Example:[5 9]

Data Types:char|cell|uint64

Output Arguments

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Type dependent options for selected variables, returned as an array of variable import options objects. The array contains an object corresponding to each variable specified in theselectionargument. Depending on the data types of the variables, each object in the array is one of these types: numeric, text,logical,datetime, andcategorical.

You can modify properties of the individual objects.

  • To modify theTypeproperty, use thesetvartypefunction.

  • To modify other properties, use thesetvaroptsfunction.

Introduced in R2016b

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