

Largest value of specified integer type


v = intmax
v = intmax('classname')


v = intmaxis the largest positive value that can be represented in the MATLAB®software with a 32-bit integer. Any value larger than the value returned byintmaxsaturates to theintmaxvalue when cast to a 32-bit integer.

v = intmax('classname')is the largest positive value in the integer classclassname. Valid values for the stringclassnameare









intmax('int32')is the same asintmaxwith no arguments.


Find the maximum value for a 64-bit signed integer:

v = intmax('int64') v = 9223372036854775807

Convert this value to a 32-bit signed integer:

x = int32(v) x = 2147483647

Compare the result with the default value returned byintmax:

isequal(x, intmax) ans = 1

Extended Capabilities

C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using MATLAB® Coder™.

Introduced before R2006a

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