

Multidimensional inverse fast Fourier transform


X = ifftn(Y)
X = ifftn(Y,sz)
X = ifftn(___,symflag)



X = ifftn(Y)returns themultidimensional discrete inverse Fourier transform使用快速傅立叶变换算法的N-D阵列。N-D逆变换等于沿着每个维度的1-D逆变换计算Y。输出Xis the same size asY


X = ifftn(Y,sz)truncatesY或者padsY尾随零之前,在根据矢量的元素进行逆变换之前sz。Each element ofszdefines the length of the corresponding transform dimension. For example, ifYis a 5-by-5-by-5 array, thenX = ifftn(Y,[8 8 8])pads each dimension with zeros, resulting in an 8-by-8-by-8 inverse transformX


X = ifftn(___,symflag)specifies the symmetry ofY。For example,ifftn(Y,'symmetric')零食Yas conjugate symmetric.


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You can use theifftn功能以将频率采样的多维数据转换为在时间或空间中采样的数据。这ifftnfunction also allows you to control the size of the transform.

Create a 3-by-3-by-3 array and compute its inverse Fourier transform.

y = rand(3,3,3);ifftn(y);

Pad the dimensions ofY使用尾随的零,使转换具有8乘8 x 8的尺寸。

X = ifftn(Y,[8 8 8]); size(X)
ans =1×38 8 8

对于几乎共轭对称阵列,您可以通过指定逆傅立叶变换来计算逆傅立叶变换'symmetric'option, which also ensures that the output is real.

Compute the 3-D inverse Fourier transform of a nearly conjugate symmetric array.

Y(:,:,1) = [1e-15*i 0; 1 0]; Y(:,:,2) = [0 1; 0 1]; X = ifftn(Y,'symmetric')
X = X(:,:,1) = 0.3750 -0.1250 -0.1250 -0.1250 X(:,:,2) = -0.1250 0.3750 -0.1250 -0.1250

Input Arguments

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Input array, specified as a vector, a matrix, or a multidimensional array. IfYis of typesingle, thenifftnnatively computes in single precision, andXis also of typesingle。否则,Xis returned as typedouble

Data Types:double|single|int8|INT16|int32|uint8|uint16|uint32|logical
Complex Number Support:Yes

Lengths of inverse transform dimensions, specified as a vector of positive integers.

Data Types:double|single|int8|INT16|int32|uint8|uint16|uint32|logical

对称类型, specified as'nonsymmetric'或者'symmetric'。WhenYis not exactly conjugate symmetric due to round-off error,ifftn(Y,'symmetric')零食Y好像是共轭对称的。有关共轭对称的更多信息,请参阅Algorithms

More About

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N-D Inverse Fourier Transform

这discrete inverse Fourier transformXof anN-D arrayYis defined as

X p 1 , p 2 , 。。。 , p N = j 1 = 1 m 1 1 m 1 ω m 1 p 1 j 1 j 2 = 1 m 2 1 m 2 ω m 2 p 2 j 2 。。。 j N = 1 m N 1 m N ω m N p N j N Y j 1 , j 2 , 。。。 , j N

Each dimension has lengthmkfork= 1,2,...,N, 和 ω m k = e 2 π i / m k are complex roots of unity whereiis the imaginary unit.


  • ifftnfunction tests whether the vectors in an arrayY在所有维度上都是共轭对称的。向量v当对称时是共轭的ith element satisfiesv(i) = conj(v([1,end:-1:2]))。如果向量中的向量Yare conjugate symmetric in all dimensions, then the inverse transform computation is faster and the output is real.

Extended Capabilities

