
Search Syntax and Tips

Find keywords in the documentation by entering text in the Search box on the Desktop or in the Help browser.

When you view pages linked from the search results, search terms appear with highlights. To clear the highlights, press theEsckey.

The search engine ignores common, insignificant words such asa,an,the, andof, unless they are part of an exact phrase in quotation marks. It also ignores capitalization, punctuation, and special characters such as+. To find a symbol or special character:

  • Search for the word instead of the symbol or character, such asplusinstead of+.

  • View the documentation onMATLAB Operators and Special Characters.

  • Search the PDF documentation, available from the documentation home page.

Searches can include the following operators:


Exact phrase

Example:"plot tools"finds pages that containplot tools, in that sequence, with no words between them.



Requires at least two nonwildcard characters, and cannot appear at the start of a keyword or in an exact phrase.

Example:plot*findsplot,plot3, andplotting.



Example:plot OR graphfinds pages with eitherplotorgraph.



Example:"plot tools" NOT "time series"finds pages withplot toolsbut excludes pages withtime series.



Implied when no operator is present between keywords.

Example:plot AND tools相当于"plot" "tools".

The Help browser search evaluatesNOToperators first,OR运营商第二,和ANDoperators last. For example,

"plotting tool" OR "plot tools" NOT "time series" AND workspace

finds pages that contain eitherplotting toolorplot toolsand containworkspace, but do not containtime series.

You can filter search results using facets that appear on the left side of the page. For example, view MATLAB®topics by selectingMATLABandHelp Topics.

The search engine searches the following text in the documentation:

  • Documentation — Text and code shown in the Help browser

  • User interface examples — Help comments in the program file

  • Videos — Title

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