
Help and Support

Product help, technical support

MATLAB®offers several options for getting help on MathWorks®products. You can access abbreviated function help text in the Command Window, or search the documentation for in-depth, comprehensive help topics and examples. For information on specific issues not addressed in the documentation, contact technical support.


doc Reference page in Help browser
help Help for functions in Command Window
docsearch Help browser search
lookfor Search for keyword in all help entries
demo Access product examples in Help browser
echodemo Run example script step-by-step in Command Window


Ways to Get Function Help

Each MATLAB function has supporting documentation that includes examples and describes the function inputs, outputs, and calling syntax. There are several ways to access that documentation.

MATLAB Code Examples

一个独立的例子是一个可读版本的马TLAB script that shows how to accomplish a particular task.

Search Syntax and Tips

Search the documentation efficiently using basic syntax and some useful tips.

Help Preferences

Filter the documentation, specify the PDF reader location on UNIX®platforms, specify where the small Help on Selection window displays.

Japanese Documentation

Many MathWorks products provide versions of the documentation translated from English to Japanese.

Korean, and Chinese Documentation

Asubsetof MATLAB documentation in Korean and simplified Chinese is available on the web to licensed MATLAB users.

Bookmark and Share Page Locations

In MATLAB, bookmarks are calledfavorites. Add, find, and organize favorites by clicking the Favorites button in the Help browser.

Contact Technical Support

Contact MathWorks Technical Support to report a bug or request help.

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