

Lay out and configure the look and feel of an app

Design the look and feel of your app by adding and arranging UI components, and by configuring aspects such as size, color, and initial values.


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figure Create figure window
axes 创建笛卡尔轴
uicontrol Create user interface control object
uitable Create table user interface component
uipanel Create panel container object
uibuttongroup Create button group to manage radio buttons and toggle buttons
uitab Create tabbed panel
uitabgroup Create container for tabbed panels
uimenu 创建菜单或菜单项
Uicontextmenu Create context menu
uitoolbar Create toolbar on figure
Uipushtool Create push button on toolbar
uitoggletool Create toggle button on toolbar
actxcontrol Create Microsoft ActiveX control in figure window
align Align UI components and graphics objects
Movegui Move figure to specified location on screen
getpixelposition 在像素中获取组件位置
setpixelPosition Set component position in pixels
listfonts 列表可用系统字体
textwrap Wrap text for uicontrol
uistack Reorder visual stacking order of objects
Property Inspector Open property inspector


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UIControl Properties Control appearance and behavior of user interface control
Table Properties Control appearance and behavior of table UI component
Menu Properties Control appearance and behavior of menu
ContextMenu Properties Control appearance and behavior of context menu
PushTool Properties Control appearance and behavior of push tool
ToggleTool Properties Control appearance and behavior of toggle tool
Figure Properties Control appearance and behavior of figure window
Axes Properties Axes appearance and behavior
Panel Properties Control appearance and behavior of panel
ButtonGroup Properties Control appearance and behavior of button group
Tab Properties Control appearance and behavior of tab
TabGroup Properties 选项卡组的控制外观和行为
Toolbar Properties Control appearance and behavior of tool bar


Create Apps Using GUIDE

Add Components to the GUIDE Layout Area

Learn how to add, move, copy, paste, duplicate, and resize components. Add identifiers to components using the Tag property.

Create Menus for GUIDE Apps


Create Toolbars for GUIDE UIs

Learn how to add and edit toolbar items using the Toolbar Editor.

Set the UI Window Size in GUIDE


Align GUIDE UI Components


Customize Tabbing Behavior in a GUIDE UI

Learn how to control tabbing behavior in your app using GUIDE.

Design Cross-Platform UIs in GUIDE

Learn how to create UIs that behave more consistently on different platforms.

Create Apps Programmatically

Add Components to a Programmatic App

Learn how to create and modify UI components programmatically.


Learn how to create context menus and menus in the menu bar programmatically.

Create Toolbars for Programmatic Apps

Learn how to add and edit toolbar items programmatically.

Lay Out a UI Programmatically

Set the size, location, and front-to-back order of components programmatically.

DPI-Aware Behavior in MATLAB

Learn about DPI-aware behavior that improves the appearance of graphical elements on high-resolution systems.

Customize Tabbing Behavior in a Programmatic App


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