
Events and Delegates

Use .NET event callbacks, create and call .NET delegates


BeginInvoke Initiate asynchronous .NET delegate call
EndInvoke Retrieve result of asynchronous call initiated by .NET System.Delegate BeginInvoke method
Combine 方便为静态的。net系统功能。Delegate Combine method
Remove 方便为静态的。net系统功能。Delegate Remove method
RemoveAll 方便为静态的。net系统功能。Delegate RemoveAll method


Use .NET Events in MATLAB

These examples use theaddlistenerfunction to handle .NET events with MATLAB®callbacks.

Call .NET Delegates in MATLAB

This example shows you how to use a delegate in MATLAB.

Create Delegates from .NET Object Methods

The following C# class defines the methodsAddEggsandAddFlour, which have signatures matching thedelIntegerdelegate:

Create Delegate Instances Bound to .NET Methods

For a C# delegate defined as:

Combine and Remove .NET Delegates

MATLAB provides the instance methodCombine, that lets you combine a series of delegates into a single delegate.

Overview Events and Listeners

Use events and listeners to send and respond to messages.

.NET Delegates

In the .NET Framework, adelegateis a type that defines a method signature.

.NET Delegates With out and ref Type Arguments

The MATLAB rules for mappingoutandreftypes for delegates are the same as for methods.

Calling .NET Methods Asynchronously

It is possible to call a synchronous method asynchronously in MATLAB.


Limitations to Support of .NET Events

An event handler in C# is a delegate with the following signature:

Limitations to Support of .NET Delegates

MATLAB does not support associating a delegate instance with a generic .NET method.

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