
Categorical Arrays

Arrays of qualitative data with values from a finite set of discrete, nonnumeric data

categoricalis a data type to store data with values from a finite set of discrete categories. These categories can have a natural order, but it is not required. A categorical array provides efficient storage and convenient manipulation of nonnumeric data, while also maintaining meaningful names for the values. You can use categorical arrays in a table to select groups of rows. For more information seeCreate Categorical Arraysor watchTables and Categorical Arrays.


categorical Array that contains values assigned to categories
iscategorical Determine whether input is categorical array
discretize Group data into bins or categories
categories Categories of categorical array
iscategory Test for categorical array categories
isordinal Determine whether input is ordinal categorical array
isprotected Determine whether categories of categorical array are protected
addcats Add categories to categorical array
mergecats Merge categories in categorical array
removecats Remove categories from categorical array
renamecats Rename categories in categorical array
reordercats Reorder categories in categorical array
setcats Set categories in categorical array
summary Print summary of table, timetable, or categorical array
countcats Count occurrences of categorical array elements by category
isundefined Find undefined elements in categorical array

Examples and How To

Create Categorical Arrays

这example shows how to create a categorical array.

Convert Text in Table Variables to Categorical

这example shows how to convert a variable in a table from a cell array of character vectors to a categorical array.

Compare Categorical Array Elements


Combine Categorical Arrays

Use concatenation to combine categorical arrays.

Combine Categorical Arrays Using Multiplication

Use multiplication to combine categorical arrays, including ordinal categorical arrays and arrays with undefined elements.

Plot Categorical Data

Plot data from a categorical array.

Access Data Using Categorical Arrays

Search, select, and delete elements from categorical arrays.

Work with Protected Categorical Arrays

这example shows how to work with a categorical array with protected categories.



Categorical arrays provide a natural representation of data, mathematical ordering of character vectors, and efficient memory usage.

Ordinal Categorical Arrays

Ordinal categorical arrays have a mathematical ordering to their categories. Use an ordinal categorical array if you want to use the functionsmin,max, or relational operations, such as greater than and less than.

Core Functions Supporting Categorical Arrays

Many functions in MATLAB®operate on categorical arrays in much the same way that they operate on other arrays. A few of these functions might exhibit special behavior when operating on a categorical array.

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