

NTSC值转换为RGB有限公司lor space


rgbmap = ntsc2rgb(yiqmap)
RGB = ntsc2rgb(YIQ)


rgbmap = ntsc2rgb(yiqmap)converts them-by-3 NTSC (television) color values inyiqmapto RGB color space. Ifyiqmapism-by-3 and contains the NTSC luminance(Y)and chrominance(IandQ)color components as columns, thenrgbmapis anm-by-3 matrix that contains the red, green, and blue values equivalent to those colors. Bothrgbmapandyiqmapcontain intensities in the range 0 to 1.0. The intensity 0 corresponds to the absence of the component, while the intensity 1.0 corresponds to full saturation of the component.

RGB = ntsc2rgb(YIQ)converts the NTSC imageYIQto the equivalent truecolor image RGB.

ntsc2rgbcomputes the RGB values from the NTSC components using

[ R G B ] = [ 1.000 0.956 0.621 1.000 0.272 0.647 1.000 1.106 1.703 ] [ Y I Q ] .

Class Support

The input image or colormap must be of classdouble. The output is of classdouble.


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This example shows how to convert an image from RGB to NTSC color space and back.

Read an RGB image into the workspace.

RGB = imread('board.tif');

Convert the image to YIQ color space.

YIQ = rgb2ntsc(RGB);

Display the NTSC luminance, represented by the first color channel in the YIQ image.

imshow(YIQ(:,:,1)) title('Luminance in YIQ Color Space')

Convert the YIQ image back to RGB color space.

RGB2 = ntsc2rgb(YIQ);

Display the image that was converted from YIQ to RGB color space.

figure imshow(RGB2) title('Image Converted from YIQ to RGB Color Space')

Introduced before R2006a

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