
Neighborhood and Block Processing

Define neighborhoods and blocks for filtering and I/O operations


blockproc Distinct block processing for image
bestblk Determine optimal block size for block processing
nlfilter General sliding-neighborhood operations
col2im Rearrange matrix columns into blocks
colfilt Columnwise neighborhood operations
im2col Rearrange image blocks into columns


ImageAdapter Interface for image I/O


Neighborhood or Block Processing: An Overview

Divide an image into sections, called blocks or neighborhoods, to reduce the memory needed to process the image.

Sliding Neighborhood Operations

A sliding neighborhood operation is performed one pixel at a time using information about the pixel’s neighborhood.

Distinct Block Processing

Distinct block processing divides an image into nonoverlapping rectangular sections that can be processed individually.

Block Size and Performance

Using larger block sizes reduces overall computation time but requires more memory to process each block.

Use Column-wise Processing to Speed Up Sliding Neighborhood or Distinct Block Operations

Reshape sliding neighborhoods and distinct blocks to reduce the execution time of processing an image.

Perform Block Processing on Image Files in Unsupported Formats

To work with image data in file formats not supported by block processing functions, construct a class that manages files based on region.

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