

Delay input signal by fixed or variable sample periods (HDL Coder)


TheDelayblock is available with Simulink®. For information about simulation behavior and block parameters, seeDelay.

Block Parameter Setting Description
SetExternal resettoLevel. Generates a reset port in the HDL code.
SelectShow enable port. Generates an enable port in the HDL code.
ForInitial condition, setSourcetoDialogand enter the value. Specifies an initial condition for the block.
SetInput processingtoColumns as channels (frame based). Expects vector input data, where each element of the vector represents a sample in time.

Additional Settings When Using State Control Block

If you use aState Controlblock with theDelayblock inside a subsystem in your Simulink model, use these additional settings.

Block Parameter Setting Description
SetExternal resettoLevel holdforSynchronousmode andLevelforClassicmode of theState Controlblock. Generates a reset port in the HDL code.
SetDelay lengthto zero for aDelayblock with an external enable port. Treated as a wire in onlySynchronousmode of theState Controlblock.
SetDelay lengthto zero for aDelayblock with an external reset port. Treated as a wire inSynchronousandClassicmodes of theState Controlblock.

For more information about theState Controlblock, seeState Control.

HDL Architecture

This block has a single, default HDL architecture.

HDL Block Properties


Number of input pipeline stages to insert in the generated code. Distributed pipelining and constrained output pipelining can move these registers. The default is 0. See alsoInputPipeline.


Number of output pipeline stages to insert in the generated code. Distributed pipelining and constrained output pipelining can move these registers. The default is 0. See alsoOutputPipeline.


Suppress reset logic generation. The default isdefault, which generates reset logic. See alsoResetType.


Map delays to RAM instead of registers. The default isoff. See alsoUseRAM.

Complex Data Support

This block supports code generation for complex signals.


ForInitial conditionandDelay length,Sourceset toInput portis not supported for HDL code generation.

Introduced in R2014a

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