
dsp.LSFToLPC System object

Convert line spectral frequencies to linear prediction coefficients


TheLSFToLPCobject converts line spectral frequencies to linear prediction coefficients.

To convert LSF to LPC:

  1. Define and set up your LSF to LPC converter. SeeConstruction.

  2. Callstepto convert LSF according to the properties ofdsp.LSFToLPC. The behavior ofstepis specific to each object in the toolbox.


Starting in R2016b, instead of using thestepmethod to perform the operation defined by the System object™, you can call the object with arguments, as if it were a function. For example,y = step(obj,x)andy = obj(x)perform equivalent operations.


lsf2lpc = dsp.LSFToLPCreturns an LSF to LPC System object,lsf2lpc, which converts line spectral frequencies (LSFs) to linear prediction coefficients (LPCs).


step Convert input line spectral frequencies to linear prediction coefficients
Common to All System Objects

Allow System object property value changes


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Note: This example runs only in R2016b or later. If you are using an earlier release, replace each call to the function with the equivalentstepsyntax. For example, myObject(x) becomes step(myObject,x).

a = [1.0000 0.6149 0.9899 0.0000 0.0031 -0.0082]'
a =6×11.0000 0.6149 0.9899 0 0.0031 -0.0082
lpc2lsf = dsp.LPCToLSF; ylsf = lpc2lsf(a); lsf2lpc = dsp.LSFToLPC; ylpc = lsf2lpc(ylsf);

Check if values inylpcare the same as ina.

ylpc =6×11.0000 0.6149 0.9899 0.0000 0.0031 -0.0082


This object implements the algorithm, inputs, and outputs described on theLSF/LSP to LPC Conversionblock reference page. The object properties correspond to the block parameters, except:

The object does not have a property that corresponds to theInputblock parameter. The object's behavior corresponds to the block's behavior when you set theInputparameter toLSF in range (0 pi).

Extended Capabilities

Introduced in R2012a

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