
Parallel for-Loops (parfor)

Use parallel processing by runningparforon workers in a parallel pool

Parallel Computing Toolbox™ supports interactive parallel computing and enables you to accelerate your workflow by running on multiple workers in a parallel pool. Useparforto executefor-loop iterations in parallel on workers in a parallel pool. When you have profiled your code and identified slowfor-loops, tryparforto increase your throughput. Developparfor-loops on your desktop and scale up to a cluster without changing your code.


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parfor Execute for-loop iterations in parallel on workers in parallel pool
parpool Create parallel pool on cluster
parfeval Execute function asynchronously on parallel pool worker
ticBytes Start counting bytes transferred within parallel pool
tocBytes Read how many bytes have been transferred since calling ticBytes
send Send data from worker to client using a data queue
afterEach Define a function to call when new data is received on a DataQueue
parallel.Pool Access parallel pool
parallel.pool.DataQueue Class that enables sending and listening for data between client and workers


Getting Started withparfor

Decide When to Use parfor

Discover basic concepts of aparfor-loop, and decide when to use it.

Convert for-Loops Into parfor-Loops

Diagnose and fix commonparforproblems.

Ensure That parfor-Loop Iterations are Independent

Unlike afor-loop,parfor循环迭代have no guaranteed order.

Nested parfor-Loops and for-Loops

Learn how to deal with parallel nested loops.

Troubleshoot Variables in parfor-Loops

Discover variable requirements and classification inparfor-loops.


Interactively Run a Loop in Parallel Using parfor

Convert a slowfor-loop into a fasterparfor-loop.

Improve parfor Performance

Create arrays inside or outsideparfor-loops to speed up code.

Run Code on Parallel Pools

Learn about starting and stopping parallel pools, pool size, and cluster selection.

Specify Your Parallel Preferences

Specify your preferences, and automatically create a parallel pool.

Use Objects and Handles in parfor-Loops

Discover how to use objects, handles, and sliced variables inparfor-loops.

Ensure Transparency in parfor-Loops

All references to variables inparfor-loops must be visible in the body of the program.


Scale Up parfor-Loops to Cluster and Cloud

Developparfor-loops on your desktop, and scale up to a cluster without changing your code.


You can useparfor-loops to calculate cumulative values that are updated by each iteration.

Repeat Random Numbers in parfor-Loops

Control random number generation inparfor-loops by assigning a particular substream for each iteration.

Featured Examples

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