

Reduce RAM, ROM, and stack space used by generated C/C++ code

Determine how to modify your MATLAB®code so that the generated code uses less memory. When calling functions, control how data is passed by using the same variables for input and output. Passing by reference reduces the memory used in generated code. Control how memory is allocated by setting limits for stack space usage and by specifying when dynamic memory allocation is used. Minimize code size by disabling features that generate additional code, such as support for integer overflow.

有关如何在特定条件下优化代码的更多信息,请参见Optimization Strategies.


coder.inline Control inlining in generated code
coder.const Fold expressions into constants in generated code
CODER.CEVAL Call external C/C++ function


coder.Constant Represent set containing one MATLAB value
coder.external依赖性 Interface to external code

Examples and How To

Conditional Statements

Prevent Code Generation for Unused Execution Paths


Function Calls

Eliminate Redundant Copies of Function Inputs

Use the same variable as a function input and output.

Inline Code

Inlining eliminates the overhead of a function call by replacing the function call with the body of the function.

Control Inlining

Restrict inlining to reduce the size of generated code and memory usage.

Control Stack Space Usage

Specify the maximum stack space that the generated code can use.

Fold Function Calls into Constants

Reduce execution time by replacing expression with constant in the generated code.


Set Dynamic Memory Allocation Threshold

Disable dynamic memory allocation for arrays less than a certain size.

Reuse Large Arrays and Structures

Specify variable reuse to reduce memory usage.

Numerical Edge Cases

Disable Support for Integer Overflow or Non-Finites

Improve performance by suppressing generation of supporting code for integer overflow or non-finites.

Custom Code Integration

Integrate External/Custom Code

Improve performance by integrating your own optimized code.

Speed Up Linear Algebra in Generated Standalone Code by Using LAPACK Calls

Generate LAPACK calls for certain linear algebra functions. Specify LAPACK library to use.

Speed Up Fast Fourier Transforms in Generated Standalone Code by Using FFTW Library Calls

Generate FFTW library calls for fast Fourier transforms. Specify the FFTW library.


Optimization Strategies

Optimize the execution speed or memory usage of generated code.

Excluding Unused Paths from Generated Code

Make the control-flow variable constant to prevent generation of code for unused branches.

Stack Allocation and Performance

Allocate large variables on the heap when you have limited stack space.


To improve the performance of generated code, the code generator uses optimizations.

Disable Support for Integer Overflow or Non-Finites

Improve performance by suppressing generation of supporting code for integer overflow or non-finites.

Code Generation for Sparse Matrices

Use sparse matrices in MATLAB code intended for code generation.

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