
mlreportgen.ppt.ColSpec class


Formatting for table column


Formatting for a table column.


colSpecObj= ColSpec()创建一个空表列规范。

colSpecObj= ColSpec(colWidth)creates a column specification having the specified width.

Input Arguments

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colWidth— Width of columnstring

Width of column, specified as a string. Use a string having the formatvalueUnits, where单位is an abbreviation for the width units. These abbreviations are valid:

  • no abbreviation — pixels

  • cm— centimeters

  • in— inches

  • 毫米— millimeters

  • pi— picas

  • pt— points

  • px— pixels

Output Arguments

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colSpecObj— Table column formattingmlreportgen.ppt.ColSpecobject

Table column formatting, returned as anmlreportgen.ppt.ColSpec目的。


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IdID for PPT API objectstring

ID for PPT API object, specified as a string. A session-unique ID is generated as part of object creation. You can specify an ID to replace the generated ID.

TagTag for this PPT API objectsession-unique tag generated as part of object creation (default) | string

Tag for this PPT API object, specified as a string. The generated tag has the form班级号, whereCLASSis the object class andIDId属性目的。


WidthColumn widthstring

Width of table column, specified as a string.

The string must have the formatvalueUnitswhere单位is an abbreviation for the units in which the width size is expressed. Valid abbreviations are:

  • 不abbreviation — pixels

  • cm— centimeters

  • in— inches

  • 毫米— millimeters

  • pi— picas

  • pt— points

  • px— pixels

BoldOption to use bold for text逻辑价值

将BOLD用于文本的选项,指定为逻辑。要使文本粗体,请将此属性设置为真的或者1. Setting theBoldproperty adds a correspondingmlreportgen.ppt.boldformat object to theStyleproperty of this presentation element. Removing theBold属性设置删除对象。

Data Types:logical

FontDefault font for text in columnstring

Default font for text in column, specified as a string. Specify a font that appears in the PowerPoint®list of fonts in theHome标签Fontarea.

ComplexScriptFontFont family for complex scriptsstring

Font family for complex scripts, specified as a string. Specify a font family for substituting in a locale that requires a complex script (such as Arabic or Asian) for rendering text.

FontColorFont color for presentation elementstring

Font color, specified as a string. Use either a CSS color name or a hexadecimal RGB value.

  • 有关CSS颜色名称的列表,请参阅

  • To specify a hexadecimal RGB format, use#as the first character and two-digit hexidecimal numbers for each for the red, green, and blue values. For example,'#0000ff'指定蓝色。

FontSizeFont sizestring

Font size, specified as a string. Use the string formatvalueUnits, where单位is an abbreviation for the font size. These abbreviations are valid:

  • no abbreviation — pixels

  • cm— centimeters

  • in— inches

  • 毫米— millimeters

  • pi— picas

  • pt— points

  • px— pixels

ItalicOption to use italics for text[](默认)|逻辑价值

Option to use italics for text, specified as a logical. Set this property to真的. Setting theItalicproperty adds a correspondingmlreportgen.ppt.Italicformat object to theStyleproperty of this presentation element. Removing theItalic属性设置删除对象。

Data Types:logical


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Set Table Column Formatting


importmlreportgen.ppt.*slides = Presentation('mycolspec.pptx');tableslide = add(幻灯片,'Title and Content');

创建一个表。创建一个ColSpecobject with a specified width for the first two columns of the table. Specify the背景颜色两者的财产ColSpecobjects. Set theColSpecs属性Tableobjecttto thecolSpecs, which specifies the formatting for the first two columns.

t =表(魔术(12));t.Style = {halign('center')};ColSpecs(2)= ColSpec('2in');colSpecs(1) = ColSpec('1in');colSpecs(1).BackgroundColor =“红色”; colSpecs(2).BackgroundColor ='green'; t.ColSpecs = colSpecs;

Add the table to the slide, generate the presentation, and open themyColSpec介绍。(这winopencode works on Windows®platforms.)

replace(slides,'Content',t);关闭(幻灯片);ifispc winopen(slidesFile);end

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