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MathWorks File Extensions

This table lists some common MathWorks®file extensions.

File Extension Description
.fig MATLAB®Figure.
.m MATLAB Code — A MATLAB script, function, or class.
.mlx MATLAB Live Script — A MATLAB live script.
.mat MATLAB Data — Binary file that stores MATLAB variables.
Simulink Protected Model.
MATLAB MEX — Shared library files that can be dynamically loaded into MATLAB. The MEX-file extensions are platform-dependent.
.mlapp MATLAB应用程序文件,应用程序使用MATLAB应用程序创建Designer.
.mlappinstall MATLAB App Installer File — Opens Installer for MATLAB app.
.mlpkginstall Support Package Installer File — Opens Installer for a support package.
.mltbx MATLAB Toolbox File — Opens Installer for a toolbox.
.mn MuPAD®Notebook
.mu MuPAD Code
.p MATLAB P-Code — Protected function file.

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