
Estimate Hammerstein-Wiener Models at the Command Line

You can estimate Hammerstein-Wiener models after performing the following tasks:

Estimate Model Usingnlhw

Usenlhw至both construct and estimate a Hammerstein-Wiener model. After each estimation,验证模型by comparing it to other models and simulating or predicting the model response.

basic Estimation

从最简单的估计开始m = nlhw(数据,[nb nf nk])。佛r example:

loadiddata3;%nb = nf = 2,nk = 1M = NLHW(Z3,[2 2 1])
m= Hammerstein-Wiener model with 1 output and 1 input Linear transfer function corresponding to the orders nb = 2, nf = 2, nk = 1 Input nonlinearity: Piecewise linear with 10 break-points Output nonlinearity: Piecewise linear with 10 break-points Sample time: 1 seconds Status: Estimated using NLHW on time domain data "z3". Fit to estimation data: 75.31% FPE: 2.019, MSE: 1.472

The second input argument [nbnfnk] sets the order of the linear transfer function, wherenbis the number of zeros plus 1,nfis the number of poles, andnkis the input delay. By default, both the input and output nonlinearity estimators are piecewise linear functions (see theiDpieCewiselIrinearreference page).mis anidnlhwobject.

对于MIMO系统,nb,,,,nf,nkny-by-nu矩阵。看到nlhwreference page for more information about MIMO estimation.



m= nlhw(data,[nb,nf,nk],InputNL,OutputNL)


To use nonlinearity estimators with default settings, specifyInputNLandoutputnl使用constructors with no input arguments or their names as character vectors (such as 'idWaveletNetwork' for wavelet network or 'idSigmoidNetwork' for sigmoid network).

loadiddata3;M = NLHW(Z3,[2 2 1],,'idSigmoidNetwork',,,,'idDeadZone');


M = NLHW(Z3,[2 2 1],,“ idsaty”,,,,idPolynomial1D(3));

The third input“ idsaty”用默认属性值指定饱和非线性。idPolynomial1D(3)创建一个度量3的一维多项式对象。当然,您可以直接使用构造函数IDS饱和代替字符矢量“ IDSaturation”。

佛r MIMO models, specify the nonlinearities using objects, or cell array of character vectors representing the nonlinearity names. If single name (character vector) used, the same value is applied to all the channels.

This table summarizes values that specify the nonlinearity estimators.

非线性 Value (Default Nonlinearity Configuration) 班级
'iDpieceWiselinear' iDpieCewiselIrinear
One layer sigmoid network 'idSigmoidNetwork' idSigmoidNetwork
Wavelet network 'idWaveletNetwork' idwaveletnetwork
Saturation “ idsaty” idSaturation
盲区 'idDeadZone' idDeadZone
dimensional polynomial
'idPolynomial1D' idPolynomial1D
Unit gain 'iDunitgain'or[ ] idunitgain


cnetw = idcustomnetwork(@gaussunit);M = NLHW(Z3,[2 2 1],,“ idsaty”,cnetw);

佛r more information, seeHammerstein-Wiener模型的可用非线性估计器

Exclude Input or Output Nonlinearity

通过指定特定通道的非线性idunitgainvalue for theinputnonlinearityorouttufnoninearityproperties.

如果the input signal is binary, setInputNLidunitgain

佛r more information about model estimation and properties, see thenlhwandidnlhw参考页。

佛r a description of each nonlinearity estimator, seeHammerstein-Wiener模型的可用非线性估计器

Iteratively Refine Model


loadiddata3;m1 = nlhw(z3,[2 2 1],idSigmoidNetwork, idWaveletNetwork); m2 = nlhw(z3,m1);

Alternatively, usepem完善模型。

M2 = PEM(Z3,M1);



选择= nlhwOptions;opt.SearchOptions.MaxIterations= 30; m2 = nlhw(z3,m1,opt);

When theM.Report.thystopvalue is近(本地)最小值(norm(g)or线路搜索没有沿搜索方向的改进,验证您的模型以查看此模型是否适合数据。如果没有,该解决方案可能会卡在成本功能表面的局部最低限度中。尝试调整SearchOptions.Toleranceor theSearchMethod选项nlhwoption set, and repeat the estimation.


Randomly perturb parameters of original modelm1about nominal values.

m1p = init(m1);

Estimate the parameters of perturbed model.

M2 = NLHW(Z3,M1P);

Note that usinginitdoes not guarantee a better solution on further refinement.


如果your estimated Hammerstein-Wiener model provides a poor fit to measured data, you can repeat the estimation using the initial state values estimated from the data. By default, the initial states corresponding to the linear block of the Hammerstein-Wiener model are zero.

To specify estimating initial states during model estimation:

loadiddata3;opt = nlhwOptions('InitialCondition',,,,'estimate');m = nlhw(z3,[2 2 1],idsigmoidnetwork,[],opt);


如果you do not get a satisfactory model after many trials with various model structures and estimation options, it is possible that the data is poor. For example, your data might be missing important input or output variables and does not sufficiently cover all the operating points of the system.

Nonlinear black-box system identification usually requires more data than linear model identification to gain enough information about the system. See alsoTroubleshooting Model Estimation


This example shows how to estimate and compare multiple Hammerstein-Wiener models using measured input-output data.

Load estimation and validation data.

loadtwotankdataz = iddata(y,u,0.2); ze = z(1:1000); zv = z(1001:3000);


m1 = nlhw(ze,[2 3 1]); m2 = nlhw(ze,[2 2 3]); m3 = nlhw(ze,[2 2 3],idPiecewiseLinear('单位数量',13),iDpieceWiselinear('单位数量',10);m4 = nlhw(ze,[2 2 3],idsigmoidnetwork('单位数量',2),iDpieceWiselinear('单位数量',10);

An alternative way to perform the estimation is to configure the model structure first usingidnlhw,then estimate the model.

m5 = idnlhw([2 2 3],idDeadZone,idSaturation); m5 = nlhw(ze,m5);





This example shows how to use the Hammerstein-Wiener model structure to improve a previously estimated linear model.

After estimating the linear model, insert it into the Hammerstein-Wiener structure that includes input or output nonlinearities.

Estimate a linear model.

loadiddata1LM = arx(z1,[2 2 1]);


[num,den] = tfdata(lm);

Create a Hammerstein-Wiener model, where you initialize the linear block propertiesbandF使用NumandDen, 分别。

nb = 1;%通常,NB =一个(NY,NU)%ny是输出的数量,nu是输入的数量nf =注;nk = 0;%通常,NK =零(NY,NU)%ny是输出的数量,nu是输入的数量m = idnlhw([[nb nf nk],[],,,'iDpieceWiselinear');M.B = Num; M.F = Den;


M = nlhw(z1,M);

Compare responses of linear and nonlinear model against measured data.


图包含一个轴对象。The axes object contains 3 objects of type line. These objects represent z1 (y1), LM: 54.22%, M: 70.56%.

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