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Return value of specified HDL block-level parameter for specified block


p= hdlget_param(block_path,prop)gets the value of a specified HDL property of the block or subsystem and returns the value to the output variable.


HDL Block Property Value

Open thesfir_fixedmodel. Set theOutputPipelineparameter for the DUT subsystemsymmetric_firto3by using thehdlset_paramfunction. Return the value of theOutputPipelineparameter to the variablepby using thehdlget_paramfunction.

opensfir_fixedhdlset_param("sfir_fixed/symmetric_fir","OutputPipeline",3) p = hdlget_param("sfir_fixed/symmetric_fir","OutputPipeline")
p = 3

All HDL Block Properties

Return HDL block parameters and values for the product blockm1in thesymmetric_firsubsystem that is in thesfir_fixedmodel to the cell arrayp.

p = hdlget_param("sfir_fixed/symmetric_fir/m1","all")
p = 1×18 cell array Columns 1 through 8 {'Architecture'} {'Linear'} {'ConstrainedOutp…'} {[0]} {'DSPStyle'} {'none'} {'HandleDenormals'} {'inherit'} Columns 9 through 16 {'InputPipeline'} {[0]} {'LatencyStrategy'} {'inherit'} {'MantissaMultipl…'} {'inherit'} {'NFPCustomLatency'} {[0]} Columns 17 through 18 {'OutputPipeline'} {[0]}

Input Arguments

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Path to a block or subsystem in the current model.


A string scalar or character vector that designates one of the following:

  • The name of an HDL block property of the block or subsystem specified bypath.

  • "all": Ifpropis set to"all",hdlget_paramreturnsName,Valuepairs for HDL properties of the specified block or subsystem.


Output Arguments

collapse all

pstores the value of the HDL block property specified byprop. The data type and dimensions ofpdepend on the data type and dimensions of the value returned. Ifpropis set to"all",pis a cell array.


  • Usehdlget_paramto obtain the value of HDL block parameters. For a list of block implementation parameters, seeHDL Block Properties: General.

  • Usehdldispmdlparamsto see the values of HDL model parameters. To obtain the value of general model parameters, use theget_paramfunction.


Introduced in R2010b