
矩形QAM TCM编码器



TCM, in Digital Baseband sublibrary of Modulation

  • 矩形QAM TCM编码器block


The Rectangular QAM TCM Encoder block implements trellis-coded modulation (TCM) by convolutionally encoding the binary input signal and mapping the result to a QAM signal constellation.

TheM-ary numberparameter is the number of points in the signal constellation, which also equals the number of possible output symbols from the convolutional encoder. (That is, log2(M-ary number)对于速率K/N卷积代码等于n。)


If the convolutional encoder described by the trellis structure represents a ratek/ncode, then the Rectangular QAM TCM Encoder block's input must be a binary column vector with a length ofL*kfor some positive integerL

矩形QAM TCM编码器块的输出是长度的复杂列向量L

Specifying the Encoder

要定义卷积编码器,请使用格子结构parameter. This parameter is a MATLAB structure whose format is described in卷积代码的格子描述。您可以通过两种方式使用此参数字段:

  • 如果要使用其约束长度,发电机多项式和可能的反馈连接多项式指定编码器,请使用poly2trelliscommand within the格子结构field. For example, to use an encoder with a constraint length of 7, code generator polynomials of 171 and 133 (in octal numbers), and a feedback connection of 171 (in octal), set the格子结构parameter to

    poly2trellis(7,[171 133],171)

  • If you have a variable in the MATLAB workspace that contains the trellis structure, then enter its name as the格子结构parameter. This way is faster because it causes Simulink to spend less time updating the diagram at the beginning of each simulation, compared to the usage in the previous bulleted item.

编码器寄存器从全零州开始。您可以配置编码器,以便在仿真过程中将其寄存器重置为全Zeros状态。为此,设置操作模式toReset on nonzero input via port。然后,块打开第二个输入端口,标记为Rst。信号在Rstport is a scalar signal. When it is nonzero, the encoder resets before processing the data at the first input port.

Signal Constellations

The trellis-coded modulation technique partitions the constellation into subsets called cosets, so as to maximize the minimum distance between pairs of points in each coset. This block internally forms a valid partition based on the value you choose for theM-ary numberparameter.

The figures below show the labeled set-partitioned signal constellations that the block uses whenM-ary numberis16,32, 和64。For constellations of other sizes, see Biglieri, E., D. Divsalar, P. J. McLane and M. K. Simon,在troduction to Trellis-Coded Modulation with Applications, New York, Macmillan, 1991.


相对于未编码的情况,可以在具有多相Tellis代码的AWGN的情况下实现相对于未编码的情况的编码增益。有关更多信息,请参见Biglieri,E。,D。Divsalar,P。J。McLane和M. K. Simon,在troduction to Trellis-Coded Modulation with Applications, New York, Macmillan, 1991.





Continuousmode (default setting), the block retains the encoder states at the end of each frame, for use with the next frame.

截断(每个帧重置)mode, the block treats each frame independently. I.e., the encoder states are reset to all-zeros state at the start of each frame.

通过附加位终止格子mode, the block treats each frame independently. For each input frame, extra bits are used to set the encoder states to all-zeros state at the end of the frame. The output length is given by y = n ( x + s ) / k , wherex是输入位的数量,并且 s = constraint length 1 (或者,在多个约束长度的情况下,s=sum(约束级(i)-1))。该块为列矢量输入信号万博1manbetx支持此模式。

Reset on nonzero input via portmode, the block has an additional input port, labeledRst。When theRstinput is nonzero, the encoder resets to the all-zeros state.

M-ary number



块的输出类型可以指定为single或者double。By default, the block sets this todouble


[1] Biglieri, E., D. Divsalar, P. J. McLane and M. K. Simon,在troduction to Trellis-Coded Modulation with Applications, New York, Macmillan, 1991.

[2] Proakis, John G., Digital Communications, Fourth edition, New York, McGraw-Hill, 2001

[3] Ungerboeck,G。,“具有多级/相信号的通道编码”,IEEE Trans。关于信息理论,IT28,1982年1月,第55-67页。

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