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Image Morphology

version 1.40 (470 KB) by Brett Shoelson
一个交互式的环境morphologically operating on images.


Updated30 Jun 2020

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Editor's Note:This file was selected as MATLAB CentralPick of the Week

The Image Morphology app is an interactive exploratory environment, with which you can try different morphological operations and structuring elements on your image.
This app supports most morphological operations, including those (like BWHITMISS) that can take multiple STRELS. All STRELS, including arbitrary ones, are now supported. You can easily see the effects of changing the size or shape of your STREL, or of trying different morphological operations. You can also "activate" the modified image to string operations.
The Image Morphology app is a REPLACEMENT FOR MORPHTOOL, which has been shared on the File Exchange since 2007. This version fixes several minor (but long-standing) bugs, and addresses changes needed for R2014b readiness. Image Morphology (as an app, or as function |imageMorphology|) should be more stable and less buggy than previous versions.

Comments/suggestions/collaborations welcome.

Cite As

Brett Shoelson (2022).Image Morphology(//, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved.

MATLAB Release Compatibility
Created with R2014b
Compatible with any release
Platform Compatibility
Windows macOS Linux

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