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Maintain or Transitionfigure-Based Apps

维护应用created programmatically using thefigurefunction, or apps exported from GUIDE

If you create apps using thefigurefunction or export a GUIDE app to a MATLAB®file, you can continue to develop, run, and edit these apps, but they will not take full advantage of the features and UI components that are available with UI figures. For more information about other ways to build apps, seeWays to Build Apps.


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axes Create Cartesian axes
uicontrol Create user interface control
uitable Create table user interface component
uipanel Create panel container
uibuttongroup Create button group to manage radio buttons and toggle buttons
uitab Create tabbed panel
uitabgroup Create container for tabbed panels
uimenu Create menu or menu items
uicontextmenu Create context menu component
uitoolbar Create toolbar in figure
uipushtool Create push tool in toolbar
uitoggletool Create toggle tool in toolbar
align AlignUIControlcomponents andAxesobjects
movegui Move figure to specified location on screen
getpixelposition Get component position in pixels
setpixelposition Set component position in pixels
listfonts List available system fonts
textwrap Wrap text for user interface control
uistack Reorder visual stacking of UI components


errordlg Create error dialog box
warndlg Create warning dialog box
msgbox Create message dialog box
helpdlg Create help dialog box
waitbar Create or update wait bar dialog box

Confirmation and Input

questdlg Create question dialog box
inputdlg Create dialog box to gather user input
listdlg Create list selection dialog box
uisetcolor Open color picker
uisetfont Open font selection dialog box
export2wsdlg Create dialog box for exporting variables to workspace

File System

uigetfile Open file selection dialog box
uiputfile Open dialog box for saving files
uigetdir Open folder selection dialog box
uiopen Open file selection dialog box and load selected file into workspace
uisave Open dialog box for saving variables to MAT-file

Printing and Export

printdlg Open figure Print dialog box
printpreview 图打印预览对话框打开box
exportsetupdlg Open figure Export Setup dialog box


dialog Create empty modal dialog box
uigetpref Create dialog box that opens according to user preference
uiwait Block program execution and wait to resume
uiresume Resume execution of suspended program
waitfor Block execution and wait for condition
waitforbuttonpress Wait for click or key press
getappdata Retrieve application data
setappdata Store application data
isappdata Determine if application data exists
rmappdata Remove application data
guidata Store or retrieve UI data
guihandles Create structure containing all child objects ofFigure
uisetpref Manage preferences used inuigetpref


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Axes Properties Axes appearance and behavior
UIControl Properties Control appearance and behavior of user interface control
Table Properties Control table UI component appearance and behavior
Panel Properties Control panel appearance and behavior
ButtonGroup Properties Control button group appearance and behavior
Tab Properties Control tab appearance and behavior
TabGroup Properties Control tab group appearance and behavior
Menu Properties Control menu appearance and behavior
ContextMenu Properties Control context menu appearance and behavior
Toolbar Properties Control toolbar appearance and behavior
PushTool Properties Control push tool appearance and behavior
ToggleTool Properties Control toggle tool appearance and behavior
